AlterNation - music magazine about Electro, Industrial, EBM, Gothic, Darkwave and more
Solo album for ex-Cocteau Twins guitarist
Out on Darla Records is Robin Guthrie's second instrumental album, "Continental". As Cocteau Twins guitarist and producer, Robin Guthrie was responsible for creating the sound for My Bloody Valentine, Slowdive, Ride, and so on. The ingredients for this release are shimmering guitars and ethereal moods. This is the first of four new Robin Guthrie records for Darla.

1. Continental
2. Conquering the Romantic
3. Crescent
4. Monument
5. Amphora
6. The Day Star
7. Radiance
8. As I Breathe
9. Last Exit
10. Pale.
Author: Snowflake
Translator: Snowflake
Source: / 2006-07-12 / News

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