Acoustic concerts of THESIS!
- Tides From Nebula + Thesis + Forma - 2011-10-30 (Concerts)
- Thesis tour - 2014-03-06 (Events)
- Thesis - Z Dnia Na Dzień Na Gorsze - 2014-02-17 (News)
- New Thesis video! - 2013-06-27 (News)
- Thesis's releasing new single and going on tour! - 2012-10-16 (Events)
- Isothesis - Cocoon of the Red Light - 2007-03-10 (News)

We encourage you to attend the summer concerts of Thesis! The band will perform in Toruń at Carpe Diem on 20th August, and a day after in Łódź at Tawerna Gniazdo Piratów, promoting their latest EP "Acoustic Music EP".
For the mentioned shows, which are to promote their latest EP, the band has prepared quite a long set consisting of the material off "Acoustic Music EP 1", a number of brand new tracks in accoustic versions and a surprise."Acoustic Music EP 1" - the new, four-piece material was released in May 2011 and is available for both downloading and purchasing from the band's official website:
20.08.2011 - Toruń, Klub Carpe Diem, Ducha Św. 8/10, start 20:00, tickets 10 PLN
21.08.2011 - Łódź, Tawerna Piratów, ul. Żeromskiego 52, start 20:00, tickets 10 PLN