Apocalyptica in Krakow - change of venue!
- Mera Luna 2016 - 2016-08-21 (Festivals)
- M'era Luna 2011 - 2011-08-19 (Festivals)
- Zita Rock Festival 2011 - 2011-06-21 (Festivals)
- Apocalyptica - 2010-10-23 (Concerts)
- M'era Luna 2009 - 2009-08-29 (Festivals)
- New video - Apocalyptica - 2006-05-23 (News)

Galicja Productions company kindly informs that venue for concert of Apocalyptica band in Cracow has been changed. Because of the urgent renovation works in Teatr Łaźnia Nowa, the concert is moved to Hala Wisły (Reymonta 22). All previously bought tickects are still valid.
We have also information about the support. Tracer is a trio, which caught attention already with their first release. In 2013 premiered their second album - "El Pistolero", produced by Kevin Shirley, which is responsible for sound on albums of such great acts as Slayer, Iron Maiden, Led Zeppelin or Silverchair. On July was released another album called "Water For Thirsty Dogs", and the tour with Apocalyptica will be the first chance to hear it live!