AlterNation - music magazine about Electro, Industrial, EBM, Gothic, Darkwave and more
Der Blutharsch in Wrocław

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It’d be difficult for a WORSE concert than the one served by "Der Blutharsch and Friends", it'd be hard to call it differently, seeing the frustration of the audience. And actually on that this coverage could end, but it's hard to resist the temptation to speak out loud about certain things. For future generations of musicians, organizers and audience.

First of all, the total lack of respect for the people who had to spend 40/50 PLN for entrance. The concert began with a two-hour (!) delay, and when one asked the staff if it's the first band playing or if some one was out, they claimed, "No, it's the first... they had a problem with the equipment". At least at the bar, apparently the man selling tickets did know - he clearly was reluctant to share this knowledge with any people coming. Well, there was no problem - no one touched the equipment prior to the musicians and instead of the first band - it was already Der Blutharsch with musicians almost pissed drunk... Musically, surprisingly, it was not so bad - the singer hit the sounds, musicians kept the rhythm and melody, although the repertoire was extremely monotonous. Strong vocals, heavy bass, sound patches... again and again.
Then there was the migration of musicians but the singer kept his place. And what happened? The bands (or organizer) came up with the idea to do a jam session. Unfortunately, playing whatever does not make a jam session concert, just as not everyone who generates a random noise on a clarinet automatically becomes the star of free jazz.
The audience knew nothing, the staff knew nothing and only a few were aware of the nature of the concert. And what about those who came to a normal performance of any of the other bands (Deutsch Nepal, Jastreb), wanting to just listen to their favorite songs live? This form may have been unsatisfactory for them. Actually, it’s not clear who, at what point and in what configuration was on stage from the other announced bands. Probably the fans figured it out, but not everyone had such an obligation - the form of event's promotion was constructed in the classical style "two support band and the main act" so nothing foretold a tragedy...

The audience, asked how they liked this form of concert, admitted that not particularly "but they came here for the people and the climate". Okay, if someone can afford to give away fifty złoty to sit in conditions that make even talk impossible when they can come any other day to Liverpool, come and listen to similar music, this amount being spent at the bar - their will. Most, however, seemed highly disgusted, which is hardly surprising.

Gentlemen musicians, gentlemen organizers - more respect for the audience! It hurt even more since the concert was promoted together with Wrocław Industrial Festival. Let's just hope that this was just a one-time "excess" and the Industrial itself, as usual, will rise to the occasion.
Translator: kantellis
Add date: 2013-12-11 / Live reports

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