Goth'n'Beat Halloween in Poznan/Poland 26/27-10 Contest!
Last topics on forum:
- BloodLust Night 18.09 (sob) - Poznań - 2010-09-10
- SYLWESTER BloodLust 2010 rock/80s/dm/electro-Poznań U Bazyla - 2009-12-26
- BloodLust Night Ressurected 14-11-2009 Poznań - 2009-10-31
- BloodLust Night - edycja specjalna - 19 maj Wrocław - 2007-05-14
- BloodLust Night - 28 kwietnia - Poznań - 2007-04-16
- BloodLust 3rd Birthday - FESTUNG BRESALU BLITZKRIEG AN POSEN - 31 MAR POZNAN - 2007-03-15
- Miguel And The Living Dead live + BloodLust Afterparty 3/03 Poznań - 2007-03-05
- BLOODLUST NIGHT - 30/09 - POZNAN - 2006-10-02
- Summer BLOODLUST NIGHT Phase #2 - 5 sie 2006 - Poznan - 2006-08-02
- ALTERNATION & BLOODLUST CAMP @ CP 2006 - 2006-08-01
- BloodLust Night - 2010-09-16 (Events)
- Miguel And The Living Dead - 2007-02-27 (Events)
- Summer BLOODLUST NIGHT tomorrow - 2006-08-04 (Events)
- Bloodlust - La Grande Fete! - 2006-03-18 (Events)
- (n)INFECTED PARTY + BloodLust Team in Valhalla club - 2006-02-20 (Events)

This Friday and Saturday night we'll celebrate in Poznan in club U Bazyla incoming Halloween. Two nights - Two parties. On Friday - gothic night, on Saturday - dark electro night, if You'll send an answer for this simple question "How many Halloween parties took place in club U Bazyla (organized by Bloodlust Team)?" you can win a two-nights tickets for this gig!
Send it at [email protected] till Thursday 20:00 CET
Good luck!
Send it at [email protected] till Thursday 20:00 CET
Good luck!