Interview with Wojtek "kr-lik" Krol (Controlled-Collapse)

Reads: 14255 times
- Castle Party 2017 - 2017-07-21 (Festivals)
- Castle Party 2014 - 2014-07-22 (Festivals)
- Wave Gotik Treffen 2013 - 2013-05-22 (Festivals)
- Controlled Collapse + Reactor7x - 2013-04-29 (Concerts)
- Controlled Collapse + Deathcamp Project + Synchropath - 2012-05-02 (Concerts)
- Controlled Collapse + Deathcamp Project - 2012-05-01 (Concerts)
- Controlled Collapse + Egoist - 2012-04-23 (Concerts)
- Controlled Collapse + Reactor7x - 2012-04-15 (Concerts)
- Controlled Collapse + Deathcamp Project - 2012-04-04 (Concerts)
- Castle Party 2011 - 2011-07-27 (Festivals)
- Combichrist + Controlled Collapse - 2008-07-22 (Concerts)
- Combichrist + Reaper + Kloq + Controlled Collapse - 2007-03-25 (Concerts)
- Gothic Festival #3 - 2006-11-05 (Festivals)
- FakOff Festival 2005 - 2005-10-10 (Festivals)
- Black Flames Festival 2005 - 2005-10-10 (Festivals)
CDs catalogue:
- Controlled Collapse - Nothing Personal MCD
- Controlled Collapse - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder CD
- Controlled Collapse - Lust MCD
- Controlled Collapse - Ruins After Babel EP
- Controlled Collapse - Babel CD
- Controlled Collapse - Dzień Sądu MCD
- Controlled Collapse - Distorted Dreams MCD
- Controlled Collapse - Things Come To Pass 13 x File, MP3, Album
- Controlled Collapse - Past And Present 5 x File, Single, MP3
- Controlled Collapse - Injection
- Controlled Collapse - Injection Format
- Controlled Collapse - Untitled Promo
- Controlled Collapse - Humanization Demo
- Controlled Collapse - D3mo
- Controlled-Collapse - 2018-07-13
- Controlled Collapse - Monster Tour - 2012-01-19
- CLAN OF XYMOX + DEATHCAMP PROJECT + CONTROLLED COLLAPSE - 12.XI.2011 (sobota) - Łódź - 2011-11-09
- CLAN OF XYMOX + DEATHCAMP PROJECT + CONTROLLED COLLAPSE - 12.XI.2011 (sobota) - Łódź - 2011-10-07
- 28.11.09 - Controlled Collapse - Jazzga - Łódź - 2009-10-21
- ELECTROFOBIA - Kr-lik (Controlled Collapse) Djs set - 5 Maj Poznań - 2007-05-12
- COMBICHRIST, Reaper, Controlled Collapse - Kraków 24/3/2007 - 2007-03-31
„Injection” – that’s the title of long awaited debut album by Controlled-Collapse. The album, which in my opinion, came up to expectations. Every fan of dark electro should listen to it as soon as possible. The release was an occasion to talk with the mastermind of C-C, Wojtek “kr-lik “ Król, who appeared to be a rather open and talkative person. After reading this interview you’ll know everything about “Injection” and also what a good gig should be like and whether pouring ketchup on you is a good idea to achieve it. Whether the end of CD-era comes and who is recording in kr-olik’s apartment… Get yourself a big mug of hot tea and let’s start.
vort: First I’ll tell you how positively surprised I am with your debut. It is much better than I expected. Tell me whether you're fully satisfied with it while listening to the CD now or are there any points that you’d like to change in it, the ones you didn't notice while producing the CD?
-kr-lik: I am not fully satisfied with it and it is possible that I will never be. I don’t really like the way the whole album sounds meaning that it sounds to me like behind some kind of filter… Listening to Selfless (my track) and comparing it to Cryo for example or to Necro Facility – their tracks are more like accomplished and full, with the bass and high registers in the right place, and with everything that sounds perfectly fine. In my music there is a lack of depth… that’s how I would call it. Nevertheless the more I listen to Selfless the more I like the track, hehe… So it can be said that I am not fully satisfied with the technical matters. Essentially it came out quite good.
v: What are your lyrics about? Is there some kind of concept on “Injection”, leading theme bringing all the lyrics together?
-k: Lyrics, vocals… I don’t really feel so confident on this area which is definitely audible although I tried to cover it with voice-distortion, hehe… The leading theme of the CD is humanity, mankind. One can say it is the continuation of my “Humanization” demo. People don’t learn on their mistakes, they are shallow, the only thing they carry about is their own ass and so on. We are not the highest peak of the evolution that’s for sure…
v: How could it be connected with the “Injection” track? Is there a deeper message behind it?
-k: “Injection” came from the “Inject” track in which the main theme are words “inject life into your brain to make your world dynamic". There is always the smartest person who knows everything, always makes some statements but when it comes to actions the person is not so omniscient anymore… The person sits in a corner and says nothing because there is a possibility that something will need to be done… you need to kick this person’s ass immediately (inject life) for him or her to learn something and start to act at last, not only to act a smart guy….
v: From your answers I can tell that you don’t really have positive attitude to other people…
-k: No, it is not that I have this kind of attitude to everybody. There is quite a big group of people whom I see in a negative light (although I don’t know them personally) but I can hear what they say, can see what they write and so is my attitude… for intelligent people I don’t have this kind of attitude. When somebody is ok for me then I’m ok with him. If somebody isn’t – why should I be?
v: Coming back to “Injection” – the CD has a marvelous CD cover. Who is the author of it? Am I right saying that’s the same person who is responsible for the official Controlled-Collapse site?
-k: Yes, you’re right. The designer of the whole visual site and the injection theme is Ryan aka Witchhunter ( In my opinion very talented young man who was by the way already discovered by [:SITD:] or Mind State… I think it is the most talented person on our scene right after CancerBox.
v: On “Injection” we can hear guests; Wendy Yanko (Flesh Field) and Darrin Huss (Psyche) sang in two tracks. Thanks to that the album is more interesting and diverse. “Solitude”, in which Wendy sings, is one of my favorites on the CD... How did this cooperation started?
-k: I’ve known Darrin personally for a couple of years now, once there was an idea to make a music project together – only one track came out of this cooperation – “The Hunger” which we don’t really know what to do with next. I figured out that it would be positive to have his vocal on the CD because I am a big fan of his voice. That’s how the “Fulfillment” came to life. As to the track with Wendy… I had an instrumental version of this track and I thought that my own vocal (and I used many effects these days) would ruin it a little. At that time I was listening to “Strain” Flesh Field where Wendy sang. At the end of this album there is a slower track which I really liked. I invited Wendy, the invitation was accepted and with a help from Ian we managed to achieve very good effect.
v: What equipment was used while composing “Injection”?
-k: roland sh201 + waldorf micro-q + boss gx-700 + PC
v: What do you think about the cooperation with Noise Terror Productions?
-k: That’s an interesting question…. It is hard to say really… NTP works like this at this moment - Johan has an idea, the performer is Stefan (Dependent) so all the formal matters where dealt with him… Johan took part in selecting the final play list and so on.
v: But it can be said that when it comes to, for example, promoting Controlled-Collapse they’re doing their best?
-k: As for the debut I think so…
v: So what were the reasons of postponing “Injection” release for so long?
-k: Let’s call it “problems with synchronizing actions of both sides”. When I was ready, the other side was busy. If the other side was ready I had some new tracks started and wanted to finish them and do on.
v: According to this, tell me – how current and “fresh” are songs which are on the album? What I mean is that if the result of the delays was the situation that those tracks are not in 100% the reflection of what you’re doing right now. That they got old...
-k: Most current songs are “Selfless” and “Choice”. The oldest are “Memory of the past” which was placed on “Humanization” demo and “Where were you” which was a “b-side” of “Humanization”. Most of the tracks are rather new. Year 2006.
v: How did your cooperation with this exact record label starts?
-k: I wanted to ask Johan to make a remix for one of my songs (beginning of 2004) and we started to exchange letters. We met at Summer Darkness where I gave him my demo which he really liked and he decided immediately that if he sets up a record label (what he was planning to do) than he will like to release the CD.
v: In the end we have the premiere behind. Maybe it’s too soon to ask about it but do you have any information on how your album is received? Have you read the first reviews?
-k: Feelings are mixed of course… For example I’ve already read 2 CD reviews. Once I got 4/5 points, the other time 5/6. What I’ve heard – in Orkus I only got 4/10 points. Why? I don’t really know. I haven’t read it yet but I will with the highest pleasure. I really liked a summary of one of the reviews that I’m not the discovery of the year for sure but my album is a good dark-electro.
v: You have quite many gigs on your account, the last time in Cracow as Combichrist’s support. There are people that think that this kind of music is not suitable for concerts. The main accusation is “playing from a tape”, “lack of spectacularity” and so on. What is your point of view on this?
-k: Playing from a tape… who now does not play from a tape? There are always certain things that can’t be played live, this is what electronic music is all about – the music of machines. At this point the question occurs – what can be called a gig? A guy standing behind a laptop messing around with some knobs which seem to change something in a sound but you can’t really hear in which sound – people get crazy. Or is it 2 drums, 3 guitars and a vocalist – people are standing and starring. Can Kraftwerk’s gig in Sala Kongresowa in Warsaw be called a concert?! Everything sounded so sterile that you couldn’t really hear what they were doing there, if they were doing anything. But they did… For me the perfect example of a good concert was Combichrist’s gig. I’m not even thinking about the one that we saw in Cracow. Drum always gives this kind of “live” sound, but Combichrist earlier – a gay behind a keybord playing samples + frontman who was running around, jumping, smiling… the crowd got crazy. I am not a fan of playing from a tape, every concert which I’ve played either with Kuba (Egoist) or Milena or now with Tomek and Milena…. EACH TIME there was something played live. And spectacularity? If the music doesn’t defend itself than You have to pour some ketchup on yourself...
v: Hehe.. let us stay with concert topic for a little while. What do you think is the cause of a low attendance at concerts in Poland? What is the cause of a situation like for example that only 100 tickets sold for Apoptygma Berzerk?
-k: As I mentioned before – on internet forums everybody always claims s/he will go to every concert and party but when a party exactly takes place nobody is interested. Cause you need to go by train, cause it’s in Cracow, cause it is organized this or that person and so on. There's always a reason.
v: You’re watching Polish scene for a couple of years now. Would you consider it as developing? What is a condition of it? Do you see what is changing for better or for worse?
-k: Hmmm… If I say that it’s not developing a lot of people would feel offended but I really think that’s the way it is. Polish scene is at a standstill whether there is more parties or not. The most of those parties gather together around 15 people. With music played from Winamp or from CDs. Unfortunately, it’s all about the money. Why should this DJ invest in equipment while he always plays for 15 people… why should this 15 people buy CDs when they can download music from the Internet or hear it during their favorite party? So why should record labels promote this kind of music in Poland? Here is a strong lack of professionalism. A few enthusiasts who have some cash, patience and good will to start doing something. When a trend for dressing up will pass and the trend for listening to music will be on top then it will be a better moment to do something relevant and meaningful.
v: We stepped on some hard topics. And we’ll stick to it for a while… In official Controlled-Collapse site we can read something that you wrote about stealing music in mp3 format via the net. It became a plague which in my opinion is impossible to stop. Do you think that in era of wide access to the internet and p2p webs there is no more place for traditionally released CDs? That the one and only reasonable format will be mp3? And that in paid, legal mp3 record labels should look for the solution of a problem of the internet piracy?
-k: Does after CDs came on a market a vinyl market was destroyed? I don’t think so. I think that CD is too popular a medium to be totally replaced. Not at our times for sure. I think that services like iTunes will have the major part of the market for sure. CD will be a limited rarity – released in boxes, with t-shirts and other stuff. And there will always be piracy. If something has to be paid for, there is always somebody who steals it. I know I can’t stop it that’s why the news on sound like this. I think it is as fair as it can be in our conditions…
v: Now something completely different – how do you like new Combichrist, Wumpscut and Velvet Acid Christ’s albums?
-k: At first I didn’t like new Combichrist at all. It was too featureless but gradually I started to like some songs from this album. After their gig it's is even better of course hehe… I’ve heard Wumpscut once. My favorite album they recorded is “Bone peeler” and that will probably not change. And I haven’t listen to new VaC yet…
v: Some plans connected with Controlled-Collapse? Some gigs?
-k: I’m starting new job. This kind of job when You can earn some money, hehe, so I won’t be playing any concerts. I’ve spoken to management but it’s to early to think about singles or EP’s. Although I must admit I am gathering together some material (remixes) for it.
v: You said once that you’ll be producing Mass-Kotki’s album. Could you tell me something more?
-k: Yes… Mass-Kotki was doing new demo which they recorded at my apartment. I was responsible for mixing and mastering + I added something special to it in few tracks. As far as I know demo is available at the moment and the CD will be if they find a publisher. I really don't know if I take care of the CD...
v: Have you ever cooperated with other bands or projects only?
-k: No. I also helped lads from Socjotech. (
v: Could you give me some details?
-k: They need some place where they can record vocals so I provided them access to this kind of place (my room, haha). I mix those vocals with background music, I also help them if I think that something should sound differently, how to sing a certain motive and so on. I only give some technical advices.
v: A few words to sum up?
-k: If somebody has read it till the end I would like to greet him or her. And ensure that I am not such a dick in a real life – You just need to talk to me to find out… I give my regards to all of You who go to concerts in Poland. The more people – the more concerts.
Other articles:
vort: First I’ll tell you how positively surprised I am with your debut. It is much better than I expected. Tell me whether you're fully satisfied with it while listening to the CD now or are there any points that you’d like to change in it, the ones you didn't notice while producing the CD?
-kr-lik: I am not fully satisfied with it and it is possible that I will never be. I don’t really like the way the whole album sounds meaning that it sounds to me like behind some kind of filter… Listening to Selfless (my track) and comparing it to Cryo for example or to Necro Facility – their tracks are more like accomplished and full, with the bass and high registers in the right place, and with everything that sounds perfectly fine. In my music there is a lack of depth… that’s how I would call it. Nevertheless the more I listen to Selfless the more I like the track, hehe… So it can be said that I am not fully satisfied with the technical matters. Essentially it came out quite good.
v: What are your lyrics about? Is there some kind of concept on “Injection”, leading theme bringing all the lyrics together?
-k: Lyrics, vocals… I don’t really feel so confident on this area which is definitely audible although I tried to cover it with voice-distortion, hehe… The leading theme of the CD is humanity, mankind. One can say it is the continuation of my “Humanization” demo. People don’t learn on their mistakes, they are shallow, the only thing they carry about is their own ass and so on. We are not the highest peak of the evolution that’s for sure…
v: How could it be connected with the “Injection” track? Is there a deeper message behind it?
-k: “Injection” came from the “Inject” track in which the main theme are words “inject life into your brain to make your world dynamic". There is always the smartest person who knows everything, always makes some statements but when it comes to actions the person is not so omniscient anymore… The person sits in a corner and says nothing because there is a possibility that something will need to be done… you need to kick this person’s ass immediately (inject life) for him or her to learn something and start to act at last, not only to act a smart guy….
v: From your answers I can tell that you don’t really have positive attitude to other people…
-k: No, it is not that I have this kind of attitude to everybody. There is quite a big group of people whom I see in a negative light (although I don’t know them personally) but I can hear what they say, can see what they write and so is my attitude… for intelligent people I don’t have this kind of attitude. When somebody is ok for me then I’m ok with him. If somebody isn’t – why should I be?
v: Coming back to “Injection” – the CD has a marvelous CD cover. Who is the author of it? Am I right saying that’s the same person who is responsible for the official Controlled-Collapse site?
-k: Yes, you’re right. The designer of the whole visual site and the injection theme is Ryan aka Witchhunter ( In my opinion very talented young man who was by the way already discovered by [:SITD:] or Mind State… I think it is the most talented person on our scene right after CancerBox.
v: On “Injection” we can hear guests; Wendy Yanko (Flesh Field) and Darrin Huss (Psyche) sang in two tracks. Thanks to that the album is more interesting and diverse. “Solitude”, in which Wendy sings, is one of my favorites on the CD... How did this cooperation started?
-k: I’ve known Darrin personally for a couple of years now, once there was an idea to make a music project together – only one track came out of this cooperation – “The Hunger” which we don’t really know what to do with next. I figured out that it would be positive to have his vocal on the CD because I am a big fan of his voice. That’s how the “Fulfillment” came to life. As to the track with Wendy… I had an instrumental version of this track and I thought that my own vocal (and I used many effects these days) would ruin it a little. At that time I was listening to “Strain” Flesh Field where Wendy sang. At the end of this album there is a slower track which I really liked. I invited Wendy, the invitation was accepted and with a help from Ian we managed to achieve very good effect.
v: What equipment was used while composing “Injection”?
-k: roland sh201 + waldorf micro-q + boss gx-700 + PC
v: What do you think about the cooperation with Noise Terror Productions?
-k: That’s an interesting question…. It is hard to say really… NTP works like this at this moment - Johan has an idea, the performer is Stefan (Dependent) so all the formal matters where dealt with him… Johan took part in selecting the final play list and so on.
v: But it can be said that when it comes to, for example, promoting Controlled-Collapse they’re doing their best?
-k: As for the debut I think so…
v: So what were the reasons of postponing “Injection” release for so long?
-k: Let’s call it “problems with synchronizing actions of both sides”. When I was ready, the other side was busy. If the other side was ready I had some new tracks started and wanted to finish them and do on.
v: According to this, tell me – how current and “fresh” are songs which are on the album? What I mean is that if the result of the delays was the situation that those tracks are not in 100% the reflection of what you’re doing right now. That they got old...
-k: Most current songs are “Selfless” and “Choice”. The oldest are “Memory of the past” which was placed on “Humanization” demo and “Where were you” which was a “b-side” of “Humanization”. Most of the tracks are rather new. Year 2006.
v: How did your cooperation with this exact record label starts?
-k: I wanted to ask Johan to make a remix for one of my songs (beginning of 2004) and we started to exchange letters. We met at Summer Darkness where I gave him my demo which he really liked and he decided immediately that if he sets up a record label (what he was planning to do) than he will like to release the CD.
v: In the end we have the premiere behind. Maybe it’s too soon to ask about it but do you have any information on how your album is received? Have you read the first reviews?
-k: Feelings are mixed of course… For example I’ve already read 2 CD reviews. Once I got 4/5 points, the other time 5/6. What I’ve heard – in Orkus I only got 4/10 points. Why? I don’t really know. I haven’t read it yet but I will with the highest pleasure. I really liked a summary of one of the reviews that I’m not the discovery of the year for sure but my album is a good dark-electro.
v: You have quite many gigs on your account, the last time in Cracow as Combichrist’s support. There are people that think that this kind of music is not suitable for concerts. The main accusation is “playing from a tape”, “lack of spectacularity” and so on. What is your point of view on this?
-k: Playing from a tape… who now does not play from a tape? There are always certain things that can’t be played live, this is what electronic music is all about – the music of machines. At this point the question occurs – what can be called a gig? A guy standing behind a laptop messing around with some knobs which seem to change something in a sound but you can’t really hear in which sound – people get crazy. Or is it 2 drums, 3 guitars and a vocalist – people are standing and starring. Can Kraftwerk’s gig in Sala Kongresowa in Warsaw be called a concert?! Everything sounded so sterile that you couldn’t really hear what they were doing there, if they were doing anything. But they did… For me the perfect example of a good concert was Combichrist’s gig. I’m not even thinking about the one that we saw in Cracow. Drum always gives this kind of “live” sound, but Combichrist earlier – a gay behind a keybord playing samples + frontman who was running around, jumping, smiling… the crowd got crazy. I am not a fan of playing from a tape, every concert which I’ve played either with Kuba (Egoist) or Milena or now with Tomek and Milena…. EACH TIME there was something played live. And spectacularity? If the music doesn’t defend itself than You have to pour some ketchup on yourself...
v: Hehe.. let us stay with concert topic for a little while. What do you think is the cause of a low attendance at concerts in Poland? What is the cause of a situation like for example that only 100 tickets sold for Apoptygma Berzerk?
-k: As I mentioned before – on internet forums everybody always claims s/he will go to every concert and party but when a party exactly takes place nobody is interested. Cause you need to go by train, cause it’s in Cracow, cause it is organized this or that person and so on. There's always a reason.
v: You’re watching Polish scene for a couple of years now. Would you consider it as developing? What is a condition of it? Do you see what is changing for better or for worse?
-k: Hmmm… If I say that it’s not developing a lot of people would feel offended but I really think that’s the way it is. Polish scene is at a standstill whether there is more parties or not. The most of those parties gather together around 15 people. With music played from Winamp or from CDs. Unfortunately, it’s all about the money. Why should this DJ invest in equipment while he always plays for 15 people… why should this 15 people buy CDs when they can download music from the Internet or hear it during their favorite party? So why should record labels promote this kind of music in Poland? Here is a strong lack of professionalism. A few enthusiasts who have some cash, patience and good will to start doing something. When a trend for dressing up will pass and the trend for listening to music will be on top then it will be a better moment to do something relevant and meaningful.
v: We stepped on some hard topics. And we’ll stick to it for a while… In official Controlled-Collapse site we can read something that you wrote about stealing music in mp3 format via the net. It became a plague which in my opinion is impossible to stop. Do you think that in era of wide access to the internet and p2p webs there is no more place for traditionally released CDs? That the one and only reasonable format will be mp3? And that in paid, legal mp3 record labels should look for the solution of a problem of the internet piracy?
-k: Does after CDs came on a market a vinyl market was destroyed? I don’t think so. I think that CD is too popular a medium to be totally replaced. Not at our times for sure. I think that services like iTunes will have the major part of the market for sure. CD will be a limited rarity – released in boxes, with t-shirts and other stuff. And there will always be piracy. If something has to be paid for, there is always somebody who steals it. I know I can’t stop it that’s why the news on sound like this. I think it is as fair as it can be in our conditions…
v: Now something completely different – how do you like new Combichrist, Wumpscut and Velvet Acid Christ’s albums?
-k: At first I didn’t like new Combichrist at all. It was too featureless but gradually I started to like some songs from this album. After their gig it's is even better of course hehe… I’ve heard Wumpscut once. My favorite album they recorded is “Bone peeler” and that will probably not change. And I haven’t listen to new VaC yet…
v: Some plans connected with Controlled-Collapse? Some gigs?
-k: I’m starting new job. This kind of job when You can earn some money, hehe, so I won’t be playing any concerts. I’ve spoken to management but it’s to early to think about singles or EP’s. Although I must admit I am gathering together some material (remixes) for it.
v: You said once that you’ll be producing Mass-Kotki’s album. Could you tell me something more?
-k: Yes… Mass-Kotki was doing new demo which they recorded at my apartment. I was responsible for mixing and mastering + I added something special to it in few tracks. As far as I know demo is available at the moment and the CD will be if they find a publisher. I really don't know if I take care of the CD...
v: Have you ever cooperated with other bands or projects only?
-k: No. I also helped lads from Socjotech. (
v: Could you give me some details?
-k: They need some place where they can record vocals so I provided them access to this kind of place (my room, haha). I mix those vocals with background music, I also help them if I think that something should sound differently, how to sing a certain motive and so on. I only give some technical advices.
v: A few words to sum up?
-k: If somebody has read it till the end I would like to greet him or her. And ensure that I am not such a dick in a real life – You just need to talk to me to find out… I give my regards to all of You who go to concerts in Poland. The more people – the more concerts.
Other articles:
- Castle Party 2017 - 2017-07-23 (Live reports)
- Castle Party 2014 - 2014-07-24 (Live reports)
- Controlled Collapse - Babel - 2013-07-30 (Music reviews)
- In a nutshell.... a few questions to Controlled Collapse - 2013-05-10 (Interviews)
- Controlled Collapse + Deathcamp Project + Synchropath - 2012-08-19 (Live reports)
- Controlled Collapse + Deathcamp Project - 2012-04-19 (Live reports)
- Castle Party 2011 - 2012-02-18 (Live reports)
- Controlled Collapse - Distorted Dreams - 2012-02-11 (Music reviews)
- CLICKS live! - 2011-07-04 (Live reports)
- Controlled Collapse - Things Come To Pass - 2011-03-27 (Music reviews)