Moonfog Festival II

If you are wondering what sort of an alternative party could top your vacation off in a definitive way, choose Moonfog Festival II, which is to take place 26-27th August at the highest-located landmarked mountain fortress in Europe, so called Srebrna Góra.
During two festival days, the following bands will perform:Friday 26th August:
Devil's Starship
Violent Strike
Crimson Ice
Saturday 27th August:
XIII Stoleti
Christ Agony
Jesus Rodriguez
Po koncertach każdego dnia odbędzie się After Party prowadzone przez Dj's:
Vanessa & Colabor, Dj Faust
After each show day, after parties conducted by the following DJs are bound to take place:
Vanessa & Colabor, Dj Faust
Ticket prices:
Pre-sale (till 20th August 2011):
one-day ticket 50 PLN, ticket booklet (for two days): 85 PLN
starting from 21st August 2011 till the beginning of the festival:
one-day ticket 65 PLN, ticket booklet (for two days) 115 PLN
One can purchase tickets and ticket booklets by transfering the money to the account:
Stowarzyszenie Moonfog Art.
Bank Polska Kasa Opieki S.A.
09 1240 1994 1111 0010 2932 4102
Both tickets and ticket booklets will be available to collect before the Festival at the assigned place on condition that one will show his/her ID if asked to.
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Writen at: 2011-08-25 11:03:30
Festiwal przeniesiony na Fort Ostróg, mapka: