PATI YANG Wires And Sparks TOUR
- Pati Yang - 2012-04-26 (Concerts)
- Pati Yang + The Poise Rite - 2011-12-13 (Concerts)
- Pati Yang & Flykkiller - 2008-11-17 (Concerts)
- Castle Party 2008 - 2008-07-29 (Festivals)
- Pati Yang Wires And Sparks Tour - 2012-04-09 (Events)
- Pati Yang - FlyKKiller - 2007-08-29 (News)
- Flykkiller - 2007-04-01 (News)

After greatly received fourth studio album "Wires And Sparks" the time for Pati Yang concert tour has come. It's going to be a great chance to see and listen to some new material.
Pati Yang – the first lady of electronic scene. Working and creating in Great Britain for years, now also in New York, she is considered as one of the most important people representing alternative trends in music. For a dozen or so years since her debut, she has grown into an artist aware of her vision, relaxed person full of ideas. She has worked with such artists as Martina Topley-Bird, David Holmes or Brian Eno.In Poland we can see Pati during following concerts:
28.10. Łódź - Dekompresja
29.10. Toruń - Lizard King
30.10. Sopot – Versalka
6.12. Kraków - Żaczek
7.12. Wrocław - Alibi
8.12. Katowice - Mega Club
Tickets available at