Polcon 2012
- Polcon - 2016-08-26 (Conventions)
- Polcon 2015 - 2015-09-03 (Conventions)
- Polcon 2012 - 2012-08-31 (Conventions)
- Polcon 2011 - 2011-08-26 (Conventions)
- Polcon 2012 - Fantastic Wroclaw of Music - 2012-08-22 (Events)
- Rebel Legion at Polcon - 2012-08-21 (Events)
- Polcon 2011 - 2011-08-16 (Events)

Will the fans of fantasy from all over the world meet at Wrocław edition of Polcon for the last time?More and more indications about such a danger appear. – We are in danger of a total disaster. – warns Adam Cebula, scientist and publicist from Wrocław. – Our civilisation is standing at the edge of the precipice. – adds Janusz Zagórski from NTV. If we take into consideration the fact that Maya people’s calendar ends in December 2012, which means the end of the world... so those who haven’t taken part in Polish National Fantasy Fans Assembly yet may have the only chance this year.
27th edition of Polcon, accompanied by so many fears and uncertainties, for the first time is going to take place in Wrocław from 23rd to 26th August at Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences. It is organised by Wratislavia Fantastica Assembly and produced by Zamek Culture Centre.
The programme of Polcon 2012 is divided into subject areas with lectures, movies, costumes, games presentations. Subject areas: Film and literature, Year 2012 – fears and hopes, Horror and Terror, Comic, Science, Star Wars and SF, RPG and LARP, War games, Manga and Anime, Multimedia, Contests, Fantasy for children.
Moreover, additional events: Tribal Belly Dance performance inspired by fantasy music, performance of oriental band Asz Szams, premiere presentations of Multimedia Fantasy Encyclopedia.
It’s hard to mention all attractions and events during this edition of Polcon.
More info at www.polcon2012.pl