Poznan Fantasy Days

On the first weekend of December (1-2.12.2012r.) are opened the door to the world of imagination. Club Fantasy "Second Age" invites us at the Poznan Fantasy Days. The event takes place in Empik School on December 27 th Street (the old "Domar" building).
On Saturday and Sunday since 10:00 AM until late afternoon you can take part for free in the many attractions, prepared because of thinking about Poznan’s dwellers, who want to spend their time with some fun. The event includes meetings with writers, presentations, board games, strategy and role-playing, lectures about literature, fantasy, contests with prizes, as well as the area for the kids. It contains also presentation of JRR Tolkien, George RR Martin, Terry Pratchett works and everything associated with them. Due to the Poznan Club called Gramajda everyone will be able to check new board games or borrow the titles already known.
Poznan Fantasy Days is an event for the people who every day are dealing with fiction, as well as for those, who have only had contact with fantasy using popular culture and also for children, who will be able to let their imagination run wild with impunity.
More information, programme & full list of guests can be found via official website.
Author: NataliaElanor
Translator: NataliaElanor
Source: https://facebook.com/Poznanskie.Dni.Fantastyki / 2012-11-20 / Events
Translator: NataliaElanor
Source: https://facebook.com/Poznanskie.Dni.Fantastyki / 2012-11-20 / Events