The new album of Ulver to be released at the end of March!
- Ulver + Zweizz - 2011-04-05 (Concerts)
- Ulver - ATGCLVLSSCAP - 2016-01-16 (News)
- Ulver in Cracov - 2010-01-21 (Events)
- Yumma-Re's - "Eden" - 2009-03-22 (News)

A Norwegian band ULVER chose the second half of March 2011 as a date for the release of their upcoming album. The tenth one in their discography will be entitled "Wars of the Roses", instead of "Critical Geography" as it had been previously stated. The tour promoting the forthcoming record of the Wolves begins on 22 March at Koko in London and is due to reach Poland on 5 April.
"The fact that we've become a concert-band has obviously left a mark on our music and influenced it in a certain way - says Gram - The newest album features music that is much more lively, created by the whole band." A track 'February MMX', which has been available on-line since not that long a while, heralding the upcoming record, proves just right about these words ( Ulver, the lving legend of the laternative music, the masters of experiment, former pioneers of black metal, will perform in Poland on 5 April at Eskulap in PoznaĆ within their tour promoting "Wars of the Roses". Similarly, as in the case of their previous concerts, this time we may also excpect a range of uncanny visuals, relating to their new pieces.
The show of Ulver at Eskulap will be proceeded by a performance of Zweizz, that is an electro-noise project of the fromer musician of highly acclaimed Norwegian bands Dodheimsgard and Fleurety.
Tickets: 80/90 PLN
Available to purchase: (Empiks & Media Markts, among others),