Two Swans shows in Poland!
- Swans + 3FoNIA - 2014-12-04 (Concerts)
- Reminder: Swans playing 3 shows in Poland next week - 2014-11-27 (News)
- Xiu Xiu will support Swans! - 2013-02-04 (Events)

Group Swans will come to Poland once again. After the highly acclaimed performance at the polish OFF Festival, Michael Giry’s team will play in March in two polish citites- Krakow & Warsaw.
Concerts will be held on 15 and 16 March. The group will promote the recently released album "The Seer".Swans is an American band, which has existed since 1982, founded by singer and guitarist Michael Gira. The second pillar of the group were vocalist Jarboe, private Giry’s partner. After the breakup of their relationship, the formation was dissolved in 1997. Reactivation of Swans in 2010 in the new lineup, which resulted in a double CD My Father Will Guide Me Up a Rope to the Sky.
The band's sonic is characterized by experimentation with sound and constant search for new musical solutions. Many changes of style resulted in a wide variety of recordings. Early plates were kept in the style of industrial & noise, later the team moved within species such as gothic rock, folk rock, art rock, post rock and ambient.
"Seer"is the latest, twelfth Swans studio album, which was released on August 28th. On this record appeared many special guests- members of such groups as the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Low or Akron / Family, Mercury Rev and ex-partner & former member Jarboe.
Author: NataliaElanor
Translator: NataliaElanor
Source: / 2012-11-05 / Events
Translator: NataliaElanor
Source: / 2012-11-05 / Events