A piece of news about Amphi Fest 2012
Last topics on forum:
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- Amphi Festival 2014 - 2014-08-01 (Festivals)
- Amphi Festival 2013 - 2013-07-25 (Festivals)
- M'era Luna 2012 - 2012-08-15 (Festivals)
- Amphi Festival 2012 - 2012-07-31 (Festivals)
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Last topics on forum:
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- Respect The Music - Mind.In.A.Box release/promo party - Poznań 3 luty 2012 - FABRIKA - 2012-01-24
- Kolejna porcja gwiazd na Amphi Festival 2012! - 2012-01-24
- Amphi Festival 2011 - 2011-06-22
- Mind.In.A.Box - R.E.T.R.O - 2011-01-19
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- Front Line Assembly i Mind.In.A.Box w Polsce! - 2010-10-16
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- Oficjalne polskie Amphi Festival Warm Up Party, Poznań, 05.06 - 2010-06-07
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After rather a long interval with regard to providing you with the latest new, here come two pieces of news!
Firstly, we know another three bands, which are to perform at Amphi Festival 2012. They are mind.in.a.box, Love Is Colder than Death and Eklipse.Secondly...
It's been an annual tradition, that the organizers do not forget about a proper warm-up. Hence, a series of Warm-Up parties is bound to take place long before the festival commences (the parties will take place in the UK, Greece and Italy, among others). The full list of those upcoming events has been put on the website: http://amphi-festival.alternation.pl, in a bookmark "Informacje > Warm-up Parties".
Feel invited!