Acylum - The Enemy
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Chemnitz-based artist Pedro Engel strikes back with a powerful 3rd album. With the promising title of "The Enemy", Acylum's new CD has all features to be elected best dark elektro album of the year, blowing away all standards of the genre.
Distancing himself even more from the myriads of Hellektro clones, ACYLUM takes its very own dark elektro style and throws it onto the battlefield, facing the enemy without any compromise. The assault is relentless with solid harsh beats, hammering drums, "punch-in-your-face" provocative lyrics, massive orchestral arrangements and intense harsh vocals.This version comes as a limited deluxe carton box edition including the bonus "remix album "Der Feind" presenting some 15 reinterpretations of album songs by various artists in the likes of LEAETHER STRIP, SUPREME COURT, FGFC820, IMPLANT, PNE, CEPHALGY, ICE AGES, ASSEPTIC ROOM, and many more.
Released on Alfa Matrix and available October 30th, 2009.
1.The Enemy (Kopf durch die Wand)
2.Raise your Fist
4.Torture Tactics
6.Lightning Child
8.Zyklon B
9.A.C.H.H. (vs.HausHetaere)
10.Run Away
13.Kategorie C
14.Drive By
CD2 "Der Feind": exclusive album
1.Torture Tactics (Ice Ages Remix)
2.Crazy (fgfc820 Remix)
3.Drive By (Leaether Strip version)
4.Raise your Fist (Plastic Noise Experience Remix)
5.Alone (HausHetaere Version)
6.SchmerzPervers (Asseptic Room Remix)
7.Lightning Child (DYM's Dying is modern Remix)
8.Torture Tactics (Von Thronstahl Remix)
9.Drive By (Supreme Court Remix)
10.Lightning Child (Cephalgy Remix)
11.Torture Tactics (Preemptive Strike 0.1 Remix)
12.Crazy (F.O.D. Remix)
13.Torture Tactics (Industriegebiet Remix)
14.Torture Tactics (Implant Remix)
15.Raise your Fist (Misantroph & Nervbreaker mix)