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Allseits - Hel

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Hel, or Niflheim - "dark world", Niflhel - "dark helium", Náströnd - "coast of dead." There get those, who missed a glorious death on the battlefield. The mythical, Scandinavian Kingdom of Death was ruled by a spooky, half-corpse goddess Hel, dressed in a Nausea gown, resting on a bed of lethargy.

On an incredible journey to mythical, grim land we are taken by Nina Kernicke - German multi-instrumentalist, experimenter, author of Allseits solo project, that also operates under the name of All Sides. She has already on her account cooperation with German pioneers of drone sounds - Troum group, as well as with the great Canadian formation AUN, which similarly situates its works in the music circles of drone and dark ambient.

I do not want to describe "Hel" record in a few simple sentences, I think, that it deserves more attention only for the sake of, what it refers to. The only legitimate way to reflect the atmosphere and dark beauty, that hides in it would be to transfer content on the canvas. However, since this is not a place for an exhibition, I will try to create those paintings in your imagination using words. I hope, that I will quite succeed. Therefore I invite you on a journey.

Wandering starts from the cosmic tree of life, mythical center of the universe – Yggdrasil ash tree, whose roots sets back to Niflheim. It binds nine Scandinavian worlds. Unimaginable is its vastness and power.
To the Land of Darkness leads Helvegr - "the road to Hel", but before you step on it, you have to cross the freezing river Gjöll, river of lament, which stream carries knifes blades. At its edge you can listen to cracking and moaning of bursting ice, echoing from the icy rocks. Murmur of the water is mixed with a mournful wail.
On Gjöll river passes a golden bridge Gjallarbrú, and passage is guarded by a huge virgin - Modgudr. Her heavy and cool breath from time to time floats the huge body. Although almost standing still as a stone, a powerful Modgudr’s heart rhythmically pounds, and her alertness is not asleep. Just behind her Helvegr emerges from the shadows.
From a distance come purrs of a cringing beast at the gates of Niflheim. Cold winds roar in the mountains, with every moment barking of the dog becomes louder. We are getting closer. Garm, the guardian of hell, is restless, twitching, growling, showing blood covered fangs. From the underworld struggle squeaks and screams, furious howl is growing, ominous cacophony is completely stunning us. Here we stand in the vestibule of Kingdom of the Dead.
Silence falls. Walls of ice cave reflect the sound of every step, every movement, the smallest, falling drop, the tiniest, rolling pebble. Somewhere ahead of us shines a red dot. It is Fjalar, divine cock, waiting focused for the time, in which it will meet its destiny. A day will come, when Fjalar will crow with its whole being, to call for apocalyptic battle of gods and giants. Then Ragnarök will come, twilight of gods, the end of the temporal world.
We are entering darkness, from a distance barking of the dog can be heard still, cock is setting its eye on us, sometimes strangely screeching. But all that does not matter anymore, we are melting in the gloom. We are in Hel. Ahead of us spreads the black abyss. Immensity of sadness and oblivion, filled with shadows of human beings. Absorbing us, the infinite kingdom of melancholy.


1. Yggdrasil
2. Gjöll
3. Modgudr
4. Garm
5. Fjalar
6. Hel
Translator: hellium
Add date: 2013-07-25 / Music reviews

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