Castle Party Festival 2013
Last topics on forum:
- 7JK
- Anneke Van Giersbergen
- Asgaard
- Corvus Corax
- Hatestory
- Hyoscyamus niger
- Icon Of Coil
- Lacrimosa
- Lolita KompleX
- Soror Dolorosa
- The Breath Of Life
- Unter Null
- VNV Nation
- Whispers In The Shadow
- XIII Stoleti
- Zeromancer
- Castle Party 2024 - 2024-07-22 (Festivals)
- Castle Party 2022 - 2022-07-19 (Festivals)
- Castle Party 2021 - 2021-07-18 (Festivals)
- Castle Party 2019 - 2019-07-22 (Festivals)
- Christian Death + Hyoscyamus Niger - 2019-06-23 (Concerts)
- M'era Luna 2018 - 2018-08-15 (Festivals)
- Castle Party 2017 - 2017-07-21 (Festivals)
- Wrocław Industrial Festival 2016 - 2016-11-12 (Festivals)
- Mera Luna 2016 - 2016-08-21 (Festivals)
- Castle Party 2016 - 2016-08-05 (Festivals)
- Warsaw Dark Electro Festival 2016 - 2016-04-24 (Festivals)
- Nocturnal Culture Night 2015 - 2015-09-17 (Festivals)
- M'era Luna 2015 - 2015-08-17 (Festivals)
- Amphi Festival 2015 - 2015-08-03 (Festivals)
- Amphi Festival 2014 - 2014-08-01 (Festivals)
- Aesthetic Perfection + Panic Lift + Surgyn - 2014-06-13 (Concerts)
- Anneke van Giersbergen + Anna Murphy - 2014-04-09 (Concerts)
- E-tropolis 2014 - 2014-02-27 (Festivals)
- Vnv Nation + Legend - 2014-02-18 (Concerts)
- Nocturnal Culture Night 2013 - 2013-09-12 (Festivals)
- M'era Luna 2013 - 2013-08-14 (Festivals)
- Amphi Festival 2013 - 2013-07-25 (Festivals)
- Castle Party 2013 - 2013-07-17 (Festivals)
- Wave Gotik Treffen 2013 - 2013-05-22 (Festivals)
- Katatonia + Alcest + Junius - 2012-11-25 (Concerts)
- Wrocław Industrial Festival 2012 - 2012-11-14 (Festivals)
- Lacrimosa - 2012-09-24 (Concerts)
- Amphi Festival 2012 - 2012-07-31 (Festivals)
- XIII Stoleti + Black Tower + Landscape of Souls - 2012-06-11 (Concerts)
- Wave Gotik Treffen 2012 - 2012-05-29 (Festivals)
- Icon Of Coil + Substaat + Empire in Dust - 2012-04-20 (Concerts)
- neuWerk Festival 2011 - 2011-12-27 (Festivals)
- VNV Nation + Straftanz - 2011-09-29 (Concerts)
- Nocturnal Culture Night 2011 - 2011-09-19 (Festivals)
- E-tropolis Festival 2011 - 2011-09-18 (Festivals)
- M'era Luna 2011 - 2011-08-19 (Festivals)
- XIII Stoleti + The House of Usher - 2011-01-20 (Concerts)
- XIII Stoleti + Hyoscyamus niger - 2010-10-06 (Concerts)
- Amphi Festival 2010 - 2010-07-27 (Festivals)
- Wave Gotik Treffen 2010 - 2010-05-26 (Festivals)
- Katatonia + Swallow the Sun + Long Distance Calling - 2010-04-11 (Concerts)
- mROCKfest 2009 - 2009-08-04 (Festivals)
- Castle Party 2009 - 2009-07-22 (Festivals)
- Wave Gotik Treffen 2009 - 2009-06-04 (Festivals)
- Combichrist + Aesthetic Perfection - 2009-05-27 (Concerts)
- Neuwerk Festival 2008 - 2009-02-03 (Festivals)
- M'era Luna 2008 - 2008-08-09 (Festivals)
- Castle Party 2008 - 2008-07-29 (Festivals)
- Katarzyna Nosowska - 2007-10-16 (Concerts)
- VNV Nation + Cliche + Socjotech - 2007-09-14 (Concerts)
- Wave Gotik Treffen 2006 - 2006-06-13 (Festivals)
- Hyoscyamus niger - 2006-05-28 (Concerts)
- M'era Luna 2005 - 2005-10-15 (Festivals)
Last topics on forum:
- Konkurs: VNV Nation - 2014-01-01
- przejazd busem na VnV Nation Poznań->Warszawa - 29.10.2013 - 2013-10-01
- koncert Alienoil+Sthilmann live + party - 28.09.2013 Poznań - 2013-09-17
- Icon Of Coil - Machines Are Us - 2011-03-05
- D:GEN.5 - 18 XII 2010 - Katowice - 2010-12-09
- 27.08.2010 - Katowice - D:GEN - 2010-08-14
- [d:gen] degeneration - 18.06 - Katowice - 2010-06-07
- Zeromancer odwołany! - 2010-04-30
- wolne miejsca w aucie - Diorama, Diary, Zeromancer, Unheilig - koncerty w DE - 2010-01-20
- VNV Nation - Electric Sun - 2023-05-19 (News)
- VNV Nation - Noire - 2018-11-07 (News)
- Soror Dolorosa - Apollo - 2017-09-14 (News)
- Lacrimosa - Testimonium - 2017-08-18 (News)
- Warsaw Dark Electro Festival 2016 - 2016-02-16 (Events)
- Lacrimosa - Hoffnung - 2015-11-06 (News)
- VNV Nation – Resonance - 2015-05-10 (News)
- Terra Relicta Dark Music Awards 2014 - The Final Round! - 2015-02-27 (Events)
- Anneke van Giersbergen & Daniel Cavanagh will play concert in Posen - 2014-12-26 (Events)
- V. E-Tropolis Festival 2015 - 2014-11-14 (Events)

Now in terms a unique, anniversary edition of the CASTLE PARTY Festival. For 20 years, we have deigned you some various sounds of the dark independent music. Recall, that the first three editions were held in the castle Grodziec, and for 16 years we have met with you at a palatial castle courtyard of Bolkow’s castle.
For all these years, Bolkow has hosted many outstanding musical projects, like for example Diary of Dreams, The Garden Of Delight, Terminal Choice, Suicide Commando, Blutengel, Deine Lakaien, Clan of Xymox, Agonised By Love, The Last Days of Jesus, Epica, Cruxshadows, Grendel, Wolfsheim, De/Vision, The Birthday Massacre, Diorama, The Legendary Pink Dots, IAMX, Dreadful Shadows, Theatres des Vampires, Faith and the Muse, And One, Kirlian Camera, Project Pitchfork and many others, bringing together fans of disturbing sounds from all over the world! Now we present a whole line up of artists, who will perform during the jubilee, "porcelain" edition of festival.CASTLE PARTY takes place on 12-14 July 2013. During the three days of concerts occur as many as 21 first division teams. Just like last year, concerts held in the courtyard and in the Protestant church, and the after party held at the Hacjenda club and in the same church. Tickets put out on sale next spring, and their prices will be given soon, so stay tuned!
We are very proud to announce, that one of the main star is Tilo Wolff and Anne Nurmi supergroup- LACRIMOSA! This unique duo come to us in order to promote their latest, the eleventh of Lacrimosa’s career LP - Revolution. If you are not familiar with the work of the Swiss group, we can only encourage you to get to know the abundant discography of this formation, whose musical style is a result of such genres as dark wave, gothic rock and symphonic metal with elements of classical music, creating a one-of-its kind, lyrical symbiosis. The band's name was taken from the penultimate track of the sequence of Mozart's Lacrimosa with the same title, and a word can be translated as full of tears, pathetic and deplorable. It used to be said that the at album Elodia from 1999, Tilo rose his project to the highest level of musical peaks. This publication is likened to a play in three acts, tells the story of unrequited love. We must mention, that the final version of the CD is due to 180 people. Formation has also worked with the London Symphony Orchestra, recording in the famous Abbey Road Studios. The Lacrimos’s lyrics narrate about issues such as love, sadness and longing. Group visited Poland eight times, appearing for the last time in September this year at two concerts-in Warsaw and Krakow.
Also the fans of the more electronic sounds have no reason to complain about-another undisputed star is VNV NATION. British formation initiated by Ronan Harris and Mark Jackson, creating music along the lines of futurepop. The output of the group has evolved over time from the receipt from harder, cerebral EBM to softer and more affordable genres of the music. VNV abbreviation means Victory, Not Vengeance (called victory, not revenge). Ronan Harris explains this as an attempt to convey an idea, that every person should strive for new achievements, instead of focusing on grief and disappointment. VNV Nation is moving in their texts cultural issues, religious, emotional and political. A way to understand the concept of VNV lyrics is focusing the fact, that Ronan Harris is a very spiritual, sensitive person, but that does not make the audience imposes his point of view. The duo has recorded eight studio albums, and the last release is the LP Automatic from 2011.
In the courtyard of the castle we also relocate to the full of magic and sorcery medieval times-on the stage ring resonate bagpipes, shawm, hurdy-gurdy, davul, bombarda and many other sophisticated instruments-to Bolkow arrive CORVUS CORAX! The formation has existed ceaselessly since the 80s, leading the life of the street, wandering musicians and traversing the entire area of East Germany. The name of the band comes from a raven, whose members caught in East Germany and had to leave at the border. The choicewas also influenced by the fact, that this bird in all the religions of the world, is portrayed as a very good and full of wisdom animal. The output of the group is based on the medieval secular songs, taken from the old writings and stories. Most of the teams who inefficiently tried to copy the music style of Corvus Corax, and although Germany is not the birthplace of this type of music, it's all over the country can’t be find a place, where a songs of this band are not recognized. Discography of this project consists 26 albums, and the last studio CD is Sverker from 2011.
Corvus Corax is also famous for its unforgettable concerts, where everyone is enchanted by the sound of ecstatic compositions, performed by musicians in fabulous, self-designed costumes.
On another subject, line up of Festival is completed by a bit of sophisticated, enriched sounds with angelic vocals acted by ANNEKE VAN GIERSBERGEN. Dutch artist is best known as the vocalist of The Gathering in the years 1994-2007, with which team she recorded eight superbly albums. Anneke currently performs with her project Aqua De Annique, which she established. She cooperated with such groups as the Moonspell, Globus, Arjen Lucassen, Giant Squid, Devin Townsend, Anathema and Within Temptation, Lawn, Farmer Boys, Napalm Death, Novembers Doom and Ayreon. Anneke latest release is the album Everything is Changing, which came out in January 2012.
Andy LaPlegua apparently has settled in Bolkow-just in 2012 he visited us with Combichrist, and soon a charismatic singer arrives at Castle Party along with his solo project ICON OF COIL! This Norwegian band was founded in 1997 by Andy, who had earlier associated with the club project Sector 9 (now with Moonitor and Zombie Girl), Sebastian Chamber parent project. With the release of their first single Shallow Nation, Sebastian Komor has joined to Andy's as a full-time and permanently member. In 2000, during the live performance, Christian Lund has associated to Icon Of Coil. A little later, but in the same year, the first full-length album entitled Serenity is the Devil was released, which instantly became the number one in the charts Deutsche Alternative Charts. Shortly after this, Lund got the third full-fledged member of the formation. Musically, the work of the project can be described as a synthesis of EBM, industrial and futurepop.
Another team of the line up will probably for many of you a big surprise-to the festival joined polish group KAT with Roman Kostrzewski. This group is certainly well known to all lovers of good old school Polish heavy and thrash metal. Formation with the TSA and the Turbo is put at the Great Trinity Polish podium metal. Pillar of Kat is a charismatic frontman Roman Kostrzewski, who is considered one of the most recognizable metal vocalists. We must mention about the particularly controversial lyrics by-the scroll at the beginning of their rebellion against God, the magic and the occult. Lyrics are completed by characteristic vocals and way of singing. Musician openly admits that his inspiration is the output of polish nineteenth century poet Tadeusz Micinski and references to it can be clearly seen in the Kat compositions. It is also worth mentioning that the first solo Kostrzewski Project-released in 1995, was the controversial act, where the singer recites in a specific way translated parts of Szandor LaVey ‘sSatanic Bible. This item has caused quite a stir and ejection in the direction of the team promoting the accusations of satanic content. Already much earlier concerts of the group was protested in church circles. Kostrzewski refuted these allegations, cutting themselves off from vandalism and emphasizing the philosophical aspects of Satanism. It is worth mentioning that in 1986, the band played twice in Katowice, supported as giants of metal as Metallica, Running Wild, Helloween and Overkill, which events were documented in the material "38 Minutes Of Life". The latest release of Kat is LP Biało-Czarna(White-Black) from 2011.
Looking through for a moment from the heavy metal sounds, another special guest of the festival is appreciated by many fans of the classic gothic rock, formation XIII STOLETI. Group under the leadership of Peter Stepán was founded in 1991 with one interruption, when the band was resolved in 2004-2008. In 2008, the Czechs resumed activity. On most releases of the band, excluding Metropolis, guitar music prevails. The characteristic elements of their work is strong, husky voice Peter and clearly inspired by the legendary Sisters of Mercy. The lyrics included typical "gothic" themes - casemates of old castles and mysterious creatures of the thirteenth century, vampires, werewolves and witches, Rosicrucians and demons, as well as numerous references to historical figures-Elizabeth Bathory, Béla Lugosi, Andy Warhol, Tomás de Torquemada - the common link is the eccentric personality and rejection by the rest of the society.
The formation was the main star of Castle Party in 2000. The team gained many customers due to the cult of Tomasz Beksinski's radio programs. The group has released nine studio albums & the latest, entitled Dogma, came out in 2009.
Sex, drugs and technology. Another Norwegian project on Castle Party besides ICON OF COIL, is ZEROMANCER. Existing since 2000, the group creates a fusion of industrial rock and influences of electronic music. Formation has recorded five studio albums, the last is Death Of Romance from 2010. It all began in Los Angeles when the initiators of the project, linking a shared vision to create melodic blend programming industrial and rock, formed a team, that already in the first year of its operations in Germany, was awarded the main prize for best musical GAMA debut in 2000. In addition, that same year, their debut album Clone Your Lover, gained recognition among both critics and audience. Second album entitled Eurotrash, was as hot as its predecessor adopted by reviewers and fans, containing such hits as Dr. Online or Need You Like A Drug. With third CD Zzyzx (the title was inspired by a mysterious place in the California desert, which is called last place on earth) in 2003, Zeromancer conquered the United States. Intensity, creativity and strength of Sinners International from 2009 is a clear evidence, that Zeromancer is one of the the first-league industrial-rock formations. In 2010 released fifth studio album, entitled The Death of Romance, which combines catchy rock sounds of melancholy and sadness. This release is full of electronic sounds combined master of rock guitar parties, which in conjunction with the full emotional vocals and clear melodic lines, and great passion, further emphasizes the true face of the group. Zeromancer is a special project that a decade ago, breathed into stiff, European alternative scene a whole new life!
In the castle courtyard utters the sounds of the best hard electro! I Spit Out, The Ones or Schadenfreude are a few songs, that you will listen in the next year. The reason of this is a gig of electro-industrial project AESTHETIC PERFECTION, initiated by Daniel Graves in 2000. Music is catchy combination of EBM, aggrotech, electro, dark-electro and industrial with a bit of techno.
Formation is famous for crossed the boundaries of hard electro. "The music is all about me and my experiences in the world. I have no interest in making political or social statements – music is the only thing I am good at doing, so this is basically my form of self expression, "said Daniel. Where nowadays most bands in the hard Electro genre tend to sound like carbon copies of one another, Aesthetic Perfection are never scared of provoking, of approaching the music from another angle, of combining unlikely extremes. Hard as fuck, but in a very unique and special way. "I always try to create songs that are very different from one another but that still fit into one coherent sound. I like the hard sounds but I have also always been a big fan of the power of melodies. Therefore, it has always been my desire to combine the two extremes", Daniel explains.
The name of the project has nothing to do with the music … it is a reflection of Hollywood, where Daniel comes from and where he created the band. "Well, in Hollywood, everything is geared toward phony aesthetic perfection… you know: movie stars, plastic surgery and phony people in general. The name reflects that and I just felt it fitting for a band out of Tinseltown", Daniel laughs. The last studio release is the EP A Nice Place To Destroy from 2012.
Let’s back for a moment to more classical, gothic sounds- to the event joined-up THE BEAUTY OF GEMINA. The group, which is the hallmark of a unique, charmingly beautiful and distinctive melodies, creating a style, which is a combination of guitar playing, rock and a pinch of electro beats. The whole is very mood, energetic and at the same time very charming fusion. The Swiss had already played at the Bolkow’s stage- in 30th July 2010, and because they obtained many very enthusiastic responses from you, we decided to invite them once again. Moreover, since 2010 the discography of the group has changed a bit-in January 2012, formation released an album entitled Isacriot Blues, so it will be a outstanding opportunity to check, how the new material acts live.