Colony 5 - Buried Again

Reads: 3455 times
- M'era Luna 2010 - 2010-08-09 (Festivals)
- Castle Party 2008 - 2008-07-29 (Festivals)
CDs catalogue:
- Colony 5 - Buried Again CD
- Colony 5 - Knives MCD Limited Edition
- Colony 5 - Re-Fixed CD
- Colony 5 - Fixed CD
- Colony 5 - Plastic World MCD
- Colony 5 - Colonisation (Extended) CD
- Colony 5 - Structures CD
- Colony 5 - Black MCD
- Colony 5 - Follow Your Heart mcd
- Colony 5 - Lifeline CD
- Colony 5 - Colony 5 CDS
- 20.06 COLONY 5 + Headless + Channel-East // Szczecin - 2009-05-31
Colony 5 are a band thats been around for a while now releasing a number of albums and EP's. They're based in Sweden with an electric/synth-pop style which is very agreeable with a lot of people as they've pulled off this sound with style like Covenant.
Ghosts is a brilliant start to this album and i LOVE the synths in this one. Its one that'l have you humming it for hours after listening to it and its strong beat means you will definitely be able to dance to it at a club night. I love really like the piano touches this song has and even though its got many layers they've done it very well to produce a crisp sound to it.
Knives has some interesting vocal effects being used and has hints of a dark undertones beneath the optimistic lyrics and melody. The next track carries on this darker feel to it but in a more melodic mellow way. Imaginary girl comes together really well though and its really well written(not that i expect anything different from these guys).
Absolute religion is probably one of there more controversial tracks and highlights what people are like when it comes to religious matters with lyrics like 'religious when smashed' which really stands out. This song definitely makes a statement but i really like it.
The next track End of Depression is one of my favorites on this album, it made me take notice of it's start straight away and carried on like it. I would love to hear this one on a night out and without a doubt i would definitely dance to this one!
Fanatic is probably in my eyes the worst song of this album but having said that its not actually a bad song. Its an interesting track which i do like though it could be more, something stops me saying its a brilliant track and im not too sure what it is. Closer is another interesting track on this album and adore the chorus to this song. I cant pin point exactly why i like this song nevertheless i really do.
If you want a band that can use different synth sounds and use them well then this track proves these guys are more then capable of doing this. Heart Attack is a brilliant track with catchy lyrics and this is one you will definitely be able to listen to again and again.
Too young has beautiful piano at the start and through this song with synths cleverly and carefully overlapped again though it still could have been more then it is but it but its not bad by a long shot.
My other favorite song on this album is Commitment. the intro is good it reminds me a little bit of 80's synth pop like the human league but more upbeat which again i would love to hear it in a club, it would most definitely get me up on the dance floor dancing to my hearts content.
We hear more new synths in Get off my back and its an addictive song yet again. Its a strong song on the album. The same goes for There'll be time, its like they got the best synth sounds out of the bank and know how to use each one to their advantage. Instead of it sounding like a child's just using random synths because they can, these guys know how to select the best sounds and used them with style and grace.
Pills is a fantastic end to this release, its also another song you could more then easily dance to at a club and its leaves you wanting to hear more from these guys and i love it when bands do this.
Overall this is a fantastic album and definitely worth getting, its one i will be keeping on my ipod for a very long time.
1- Ghost
2 - Knives
3 - Imaginary girl
4 - Absolute religion
5 - End of depressed
6 - Fanatic
7 - Heart attack
8 - Closure
9 - Too young
10 - Commitment
11 - Get off my back
12 - There'll be time
12 - Pills
Ghosts is a brilliant start to this album and i LOVE the synths in this one. Its one that'l have you humming it for hours after listening to it and its strong beat means you will definitely be able to dance to it at a club night. I love really like the piano touches this song has and even though its got many layers they've done it very well to produce a crisp sound to it.
Knives has some interesting vocal effects being used and has hints of a dark undertones beneath the optimistic lyrics and melody. The next track carries on this darker feel to it but in a more melodic mellow way. Imaginary girl comes together really well though and its really well written(not that i expect anything different from these guys).
Absolute religion is probably one of there more controversial tracks and highlights what people are like when it comes to religious matters with lyrics like 'religious when smashed' which really stands out. This song definitely makes a statement but i really like it.
The next track End of Depression is one of my favorites on this album, it made me take notice of it's start straight away and carried on like it. I would love to hear this one on a night out and without a doubt i would definitely dance to this one!
Fanatic is probably in my eyes the worst song of this album but having said that its not actually a bad song. Its an interesting track which i do like though it could be more, something stops me saying its a brilliant track and im not too sure what it is. Closer is another interesting track on this album and adore the chorus to this song. I cant pin point exactly why i like this song nevertheless i really do.
If you want a band that can use different synth sounds and use them well then this track proves these guys are more then capable of doing this. Heart Attack is a brilliant track with catchy lyrics and this is one you will definitely be able to listen to again and again.
Too young has beautiful piano at the start and through this song with synths cleverly and carefully overlapped again though it still could have been more then it is but it but its not bad by a long shot.
My other favorite song on this album is Commitment. the intro is good it reminds me a little bit of 80's synth pop like the human league but more upbeat which again i would love to hear it in a club, it would most definitely get me up on the dance floor dancing to my hearts content.
We hear more new synths in Get off my back and its an addictive song yet again. Its a strong song on the album. The same goes for There'll be time, its like they got the best synth sounds out of the bank and know how to use each one to their advantage. Instead of it sounding like a child's just using random synths because they can, these guys know how to select the best sounds and used them with style and grace.
Pills is a fantastic end to this release, its also another song you could more then easily dance to at a club and its leaves you wanting to hear more from these guys and i love it when bands do this.
Overall this is a fantastic album and definitely worth getting, its one i will be keeping on my ipod for a very long time.
1- Ghost
2 - Knives
3 - Imaginary girl
4 - Absolute religion
5 - End of depressed
6 - Fanatic
7 - Heart attack
8 - Closure
9 - Too young
10 - Commitment
11 - Get off my back
12 - There'll be time
12 - Pills