AlterNation - music magazine about Electro, Industrial, EBM, Gothic, Darkwave and more
Das Präparat - Unschuldsblicke

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The German project Das Präparat (also: Homo:Futura) has been founded in 2001 by Dr. Hyde out of the band Welle:Erdball. The lyrics are all in German. The aim of Das Präparat is to provoke people to rethink our society and values. The musical style of Das Präparat is between Gothic and Electro, but also including piano-parts. The actual members of Das Präparat are Dr. Hyde and Nachtschwester K.

Their new album Unschuldsblicke ("innocent gazes") is said to be the album, on which the band finally found its genuine style. Unlike their previous releases also elements of jazz and cabaret have been added.
The opening track starts with children voice saying several times "Komm und spiel mit uns" ("come and play with us"), interrupted by strange effects. The next track "Fetus in Fetu" is mainly based on synthesizer sounds, vocal by Dr. Hyde, later accompanied by backing vocals by Nachtschwester K. The lyrics are about an infant, who is perceiving birth as being abandoned by its mother.
In "Mondscheinkind", the child is born, living under the bed, because light hurts it. A mistreated child's fate, kept away from the public.
Also "Emily" is mainly synth-based and is about a child, who has no freedom at all, because everybody is commanding it, what to do.
"Onkel" is introduced with a classical piano-theme, lyrics are sung by Nachtschwester K. The words are from the point of view of the girl, who is approached by the "uncle" sexually.
Like in a classical drama the central tracks "Hysterie", "Sucht", the title track "Unschuldsblicke" and "Folge mir" are the highlight of the album. These are also the most danceable songs on this album and are in the vein of their hit "Tanz mit deinem Gefühl". The beats make me want to shake, the backing vocals by Nachtschwester K. are just amazing!
The instrumental track "Allein" ("alone") on the other side is a big break. Abruptly the album returns to a beautiful classical piano theme. In "Du störst" the piano changes to a more happy melody and reminds more of a French chanson. The vocals are only sung by Nachtschwester K. The topic of "Du störst" discusses the problem that many families are having a child without wanting it.
The most outstanding song on this album is in my opinion "Lilith". Electronic beats meet the piano. The vocals are sung alternately by Dr. Hyde and Nachtschwester K. I would love to hear this song in a club.
At the final track "Schließ deine Augen" Nachtschwester K. sings in a very high voice. This song gives one the creeps!
The next two songs are remixes of "Monscheinkind" and "Folge mir". The closing track "Spielzeugland" fades the album with a musical box-melody.

All in all the album Unschuldsblicke is an interesting piece of music. It is very diverse, but that is also the topic. It is definitely provoking - hopefully for the better.


01. Komm und Spiel mit uns
02. Fetus in Fetu
03. Mondscheinkind
04. Emily
05. Onkel
06. Hysterie
07. Sucht
08. Unschuldsblicke
09. Folge mir
10. Allein
11. Du störst
12. Lilith
13. Schließ die Augen
14. Mondscheinkind (Wellencocktail-Remix)
15. Folge mir (ins weiße Licht - Mix)
16. Spielzeugland
Translator: Closter
Add date: 2012-06-28 / Music reviews

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