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Dave Gahan - Hourglass

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The second solo album of Depeche Mode's singer seems to prove his class both as a composer and the author of the lyrics. It's a pity that his talent had been in Martin Gore's shadow. But maybe he just needed some time to get more mature…?
"Saw Something" is a subtle erotic ballad for a good start of the album. The album was supposed to be an enigma and was advertised by Depeche Mode's vocalist as the most electronic of all his mother-band's achievements. What counts is good promotion and being on top and this is what Dave Gahan was thought for sure at the beginning. Exaggeration of advertising text is one thing yet the disappointment is pleasing…
As here it is, the album recorded with Andrew Phillpott and the drummer, Christian Eigner (who helped DM with,e.g. "Playing the Angel Tour") which, in fact, is electronic only in its last phase. Maybe that is why "Hourglass" is changeable and predatory-delicate. . (?). Grahan's lyrics are more mature yet in his vocal one can still hear and feel some pugnacity reminding of "Bottle Living" of debut album "Paper Monster" or "The Dead of Night" of Depeche Mode's "Exciter".
After the clam beginning and melodic "Kingdom" comes "Deeper and Deeper" – pugnacious, rhythmical and fabulous single (build on a single riff). It's similar to "Use You" but it's more delicate ( of course I don't mean lyrics section…). On the contrary "21 days" evidently brings to mind Recoil (solo project of Alan Wilder of Depeche Mode). A little failure at work is only "Miracles"… But can we judge intimacy? The disgust of "miracles" is levelled up by "Endless" and "Little Lie". Perfect.
The rule is easy: songs more pugnacious interweave with those delicate. With ballads in which Dave sings ,with feeling, about what he's missing, what he's afraid of and regrets… The second solo album proves Gahan is a mature artist. He's so mature that he's not even afraid to say at the end: "I need some company, I need you tonight, (…) Take my body and soul, I feel so old…" ("Down"). David Gahan. 25 year-old boy in the body of 45-year old man (as he said in "Billboard").
Well, it can happen to anyone. Yet not everyone could admit the state one is in, even in front of oneself. One thing is for sure: fans of Depeche Mode have a choice to make this year – solo "Hourglass" of Gahan versus Wilder's "Subhuman" .
Which album will win?
For me the choice is clear.

01. Saw Something
02. Kingdom
03. Deeper And Deeper
04. 21 Days
05. Miracles
06. Use You
07. Insoluble
08. Endless
09. A Little Lie
10. Down
Translator: apeiron
Add date: 2007-10-17 / Music reviews

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