HATI - Enter The Dragon
- Trans/Wizje - 2011-10-31 (Festivals)
- II CoCArt Music Festival - 2009-04-07 (Festivals)
- Wrocław Industrial Festival 2005 - 2005-12-04 (Festivals)
- Hati - Metanous - 2015-11-14 (News)
- HATI - 'zero coma zero plus' (DELUXE) - 2013-08-01 (News)
- Rasz, Kucz, Kwiatkowski - Prenty - 2012-12-14 (News)
- Bionulor - Erik - 2012-11-27 (News)
- Z'EV & HATI - Heart of a Wolf - 2011-08-23 (News)
- Hati - Die Mechanik, Die! - 2008-09-23 (News)
- HATI vs. LAL - 2008-08-16 (News)
- Concert Z’EV’a (USA) + HATI (Polska) - 2006-04-21 (Events)
- 4th Wroclaw Industrial Festival - Details - 2005-11-22 (Events)
- 4th Wroclaw Industrial Festival - 2005-10-26 (Events)

Since recently you can order through the official site of Requiem Records new live release of HATI, entitled "Enter the Dragon".
Recording from concert in 2009.
Improvised music presented by the trio on the album gained features of a little bit adventurous "freely improvised–trance–drone–music", full of unexpected turns and dynamic drama in the unpredictable sound story.Recording from concert in 2009.
HATI is an audio project based on sound of ethnic instruments as well as hand-made instruments or found objects. HATI forms a link between a personal interest in modern improvised and acoustic music with ritual and meditation. Since 2003 the band has performed many times in Poland, Germany, USA, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Ireland, Northern Ireland, England, France, Hungary, Austria, Denmark and Lithuania
The band was founded in 2001 by Rafał Iwański and Dariusz Wojtaś, since 2006 they have played as trio with Rafał Kołacki. Since 2007 the band has performed as a duo: R. Iwański and R. Kołacki and occasionally with other musicians: Dariusz Brzostek - 2008-2010, Sławomir Ciesielski - 2010, Robert Darowski - 2011-2012. HATI's recordings were published by Requiem Records ("Enter the Dragon, 2012), Drone Records ("Recycled Magick Drones", 2007), Beast Of Prey ("Die Mechanik, Die!", 2008), Eter ("Works for Scrap Metal", 2007, "KA", 2009), Nefryt ("Zero Coma Zero", 2005, "Recycled Magick Emissions", 2006). Live cooperation with: Z'EV (+ full length albums HATI vs. Z'EV "#1", 2006, Ars Benevola Mater and Z'EV & HATI "Heart of a Wolf", 2011, Zoharum Records), PURE (live & studio - project of HATI and PURE called PRSZR "Equilirium", 2012, Hinterzimmer Records), PAS (+ full length album PAS/HATI present P.H.A.S.T.I., 2011, PAS Records), John Zorn, LAL (HATI vs. LAL "The Journey Like Never Before...", 2008, Requiem Records), Steve Buchanan & Heike Fiedler (studio), Robert Curgenven (live & studio), WEREJU (live), Raymond Salvatore Harmon and many others.
Author: NataliaElanor
Translator: NataliaElanor
Source: http://requiem.serpent.pl / 2012-12-03 / News
Translator: NataliaElanor
Source: http://requiem.serpent.pl / 2012-12-03 / News