Hoarfrost - Last Message... (Unknown)
- Defibrylator II - 2011-09-21 (Festivals)
- Hybryds / Maciek Szymczuk & Slowtion / Hoarfrost available! - 2011-12-28 (News)
- Hoarfrost - Puppets of the Divine Coroner - 2011-11-27 (News)
- Hoarfrost - Ground Zero - 2008-12-07 (News)

An industry is a fifth element. Just like the others, it demands victims. The new HOARFROST’s album tells about them – and their ghosts, maundering through the ruins of destroyed factories. Mechanical structures, smashed by an industrial clatter, are interlaced by ambient passages. Somewhere in the background the voice forces – it is the last proof of human existence.
The material was recorded during the concert in Oaks Studio, in Enniskillen. The unconventional release. 3" CDr, packed in a 3-panel booklet. Whole foiled. The edition limited to 200 hand numbered copies.The exclusive version packed in a special fabric case with an inscription, contains additional DVD with a recording of the concert from 2010.