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Inteview with Lowe

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K: You're back from the Eastern and Central Europe tour. Is it more like “it's good to be home”, or rather “looking forward to the next concerts”?

-Rickard: It's a mixture of feelings for me. It feels good to be home and to sleep in my own bed, but at the same time I can't wait to get back on the road again.
-Mehdi: I feel almost the same. The fun part of touring is the time when we are on stage and when we get to meet our fans.
-Leo: It's really a mix of emotions. The time on the road and when we play live is the foundation for why we're at all are doing this. At the same time we have to continue working on our new upcoming album, so in that sence it feels really good to be back home.

K: Leo mentioned in Cracow that you'd start working on the new material and that it'd be inspired by the said tour. In what way?

-L: I did and I meant it! Our music is very much influenced by things that happens to us, and a lot happened on the Tenant Tour that will be reflected on the next album. We're not telling you the name of the album though, it must remain a secret.
-R: But it's gonna be about sex, death and Eastern Europe, hehe.

K: “My song” is the fifth single you've released, could you tell a bit about the publishing?

-R: My Song is one of the more catchier songs on Tenant, and we didn't really plan to release it as a single, actually.
-M: Yeah, it was our label in Poland, Vision Music, that started talking about releasing My Song as the next single.
-L: So we made a new version of "My Song". We took the production to another level basicly.

K: You gave quite a lot of gigs in Poland this year – what your impressions on playing concerts in our country are?

-L: I would have liked to see more of the country, but when we're out playing we don't get to see much more than the venue and the area around the hotels.
-R: The Polish people are very friendly, and the only bad thing I can say is that you should never ever stay in a System Hotel in Poland, haha!
-M: System hotel? I don't remember that place. Was it really that bad?
-R: The hotel as a building was nice, but the staff was a catastrophe. Let's just say I got into a bit of trouble in the lobby with some Englishmen and came back to Sweden with a black eye, haha.
-L: But the polish audience is simply amazing! Like a big happy singing-and-vodka-drinking Lowe family. :-)

K: What are live concert to you?

-R: To play live is a chance for us to show our audience and new fans what Lowe is all about. It's also a chance for us to get new impressions and to meet up with all the people that we share a common interest with.
-M: Lowe is not only the three of us. It's the three of us and all of the people standing in front row at the conserts aswell. We love you guys.

K: I've read that the name LOWE came out of two other words love and low. Do you often feel low? If so, why?

-M: If a person is happy all the time then there's something wrong. It's good to cry and to be angry sometimes, it will only make you stronger and in some ways you also get to know yourself better. There is a saying; "After rain and thunder there is always sunshine".
-L: For me feeling low isn't always a negative feeling. We have the opportunity to express ourselves with music, which sometimes can be the best therapy.
-R: We all feel low from time to time, but we get it out of our system by writing songs about it.

K: Is love in your opinion destructive or creative power?

-R: Oh, that's a good question! I think it's both! I mean, if you are in love with a person that doesn't love you back, you can always convert that negative energy into something good, like a brilliant song!
-M: I know a guy who can write that kind of love songs without acually meaning what he's saying. He's a great songwriter by the way, Robert Smith.
-L: For me love isn't something you choose. If you're lucky you get exposed to it, and you can learn a lot. Sometimes it's more painful than anything, but mostly it's the most beautiful thing that can happen. Like listening to a great song!

K: The beginnings of LOWE reach the times of Statemachine. Could you tell what made you play together?

-R: Leo and me played together in Statemachine, and when we felt that Statemachine didn't really work as fast as we wanted to, we started talking about Lowe.
-L: We made a few songs that didn't really fit the sound of Statemachine, and I guess that was the start of Lowe. Two of those songs are on the Tenant album, Gravitation and Never Felt So Low!
-R: Then Leo and I met Mehdi when he was doing a gig for Statemachine, and the rest is history, haha.

K: In what way is LOWE different from Statemachine, Rezonance and Enemy Alliance?

-R: I played in Enemy Alliance together with Tobias from Rezonance when I was in my teens. It was really hard releasing your music back then, and we were happy if we just could get a small gig, a few beers and somewhere to sleep.
-L: I don't see any difference. Well, it's spelled differently... or?!
-R: Lowe has a different approach than Statemachine when it comes to writing music, recording it and playing live. We just try to have as much fun as we can, and I think you can see that when watching a Lowe show!
-L: Now, I looked it up, it's definately spelled differently! Haha...

K: Who looks after your scenic image?

-L: We haven't met him, but I think he's called Ralph or possibly Mugatu.
-M: We have a special secret ritual before we enter the stage. It's so secret that if I tell you then I most likely have to kill you.. hahahaha
-R: I didn't know we had a special image, this is just the way we like to dress. Well, we usually don't have that much make-up in private though, haha!

K: The title of your album is “Tenant”. Is there any connection between the album and R.Polanski's film?

-R: Actually there is some connection! When Leo made the suggestion about naming the album "Tenant", the first thing I could think about was that it was the name of one of my favourite movies, "The Tenant" by Roman Polanski. I thought it was a brilliant idea, and just said "Yes, yes, yes!", haha. Roman is one of my favourite directors as well.
-M: I thought that we ment "Ten Ants" all the time.
-L: Whooot!? Didn't we!?!

K: If there is, well “The Tenant” is much about the collapse in communication between people, about the loss of privacy and identity, about xenophobia... Is such a vision close to you? If so, why?

-R: I don't think anyone of us is as paranoid as Roman gets in that movie, but I can feel very alienated at some times. When on stage you get to be as one together with the audience, and I don't mind giving everything when playing live. But it can be a bit scary when you get off stage and everyone wants to touch you and talk to you.
-M: I have to agree on that. It's fun to be recognised, but scary at the same time.
-L: I definately don't think so.... Mehdi, please can you move a notch, I can't breath in this small room. Guys, I think somebody followed us here!

K: As you see it, what determines the contacts between people nowadays?

-M: I don't really know, but I can tell you that I'm glad that people can meet in other places then churches and libraries, like it was in the old days.
-L: Either it's via internet and of course via a handshake. And if you like to shake somebody's hand enough it will probably turn into hugs and eventually kissing. And then you have a girlfriend or a boyfriend!

K: Almost the last question – back to music :) When can we expect the next publish of LOWE? Are there any other plans you have for 2007?

-R: We're working on the next album as we speak, and we already have about 20 songs to choose from.
-M: The first single from that album will possibly be released in April or May. You won't be disappointed!
-R: We're also planning to release a remix album, with all the songs from Tenant being remixed by other artists, but we haven't set a releasedate for that one just yet.

: And... as the year 2006 is coming to an end – what would the members of LOWE wish for the year 2007?

-R: I hope that we'll get our next album ready as soon as possible so we can come back to Poland and play live! And hopefully see a bit more than the venues and the hotels, haha!
-M: I am egoistic, give me money. A lot of money, I need that Nintendo WII, and a car, and a flat screen tv, and a bigger flat, and a vacation, and a bunch of other things a did not get as christmas gifts :(
-L: I hope all our friends, both old and new ones, will stay happy and healthy! Our way to contribute to that is to make and release the best album of 2007!

Mail 2 mail interview with the band LOWE conducted at the turn of November and December 2006

Translator: khocico
Add date: 2007-01-17 / Interviews

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