New Diorama album - Cubed - a contest!
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On 19th march 2010 new Diorama's album called CUBED will be released. It's already announced by Child Of Entertaiment single (availabe in stores). On 20th march they will start a spring tournee together with In Strict Confidence (they will play in Reutlingen, Hannover, Hamburg, Berlin and other cities) - details and tickets can be found at
We've got a special contest for Alternation users - You can get CD, singned posters, T-shirts from Diorama - all You need to do is send us correct answers to questions as follows: 1. How many musicians are in Diorama band?
2. How many times Diorama has played live in Poland
Corrent answers send to [email protected] - scores will be announced on 26.03.2010 on Alterantion.
01 child of entertainment
02 acid trip
03 ignite
04 gone gone gone
05 cubed
06 apocalypse later
07 record deal
08 my counterfeit
09 refugee
10 alpha animal complex
11 golden boy
12 lord of the lies
13 stereotype
bonus cd:
01 stuckkato
02 batteries
03 the hunt
04 jericho beach
05 shadow play