Peter Andersson - Music for Film and Exhibition 3
- Wrotycz Festival - 2014-03-30 (Festivals)
- Castle Party 2007 - 2007-07-27 (Festivals)
- MASCHINENgeSCHREI 3 - 2007-05-20 (Festivals)
- Sunset Wings - Shining thro’ the veil of Night - 2013-06-03 (News)
- Early Works of Peter Andersson (Raison d`Etre) Side Project Available - 2008-02-12 (News)
- Frozen Faces - "Broken Sounds of a Dying Culture" - 2007-12-31 (News)
- Bocksholm - "The Haunting Curse of Skogs-Sara" - 2006-05-08 (News)

"Music for Film and Exhibition 3" is, as the name suggests, the third album with film and exhibition music by Peter Andersson.
It contains music for various exhibitions from 2011 to 2013 and also some recently found early sketches for the 'Tulpa' soundtrack, which was released in their full and final versions on the 'Music for Film and Exhibition I'. Technically 'Music for Film and Exhibition 3' is the first album by Peter Andersson which is mastered according to the so called K-14 standard. The K-14 system will ensure that the highest dynamical range will be preserved in the music. It will benefit the listener because the music will simply sound much greater than a hot or over-compressed album. All one need to do is to give an extra push one the amplifier volume control to match the loudness of a hot mastered album. Release date: 17th May 2013