Peter Gabriel in Lodz
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Peter Gabriel, a legend of the music of the second half of the twentieth century, will perform in full his outstanding solo album "So" on 12th May 2014 in Atlas Arena in Lodz.
Currently celebrating the 25th anniversary of his multi-platinum album ‘So’ which saw the release of a re-mastered CD, 3CD set and a deluxe box set in October, Peter Gabriel is set to bring the tour entitled, ‘Back To Front,’ to Poland in May 2014. Featuring the original live band who toured ‘So’ with him over 25 years ago, fans can expect a show which spans Gabriel’s illustrious career including the iconic album performed in its entirety.This special anniversary of "So" release and celebrating this anniversary concert in Poland is an opportunity to admire Peter Gabriel for his timeless songs that make a history. It is an opportunity to plunge into the rich sound, great music, of true pop icon Peter Gabriel.
"Time leaves an indelible stamp on everything. When you revisit your past you can no longer live inside it, but you can walk around it, open up old memories and occasionally catch the scent of some place in which you lived". Peter Gabriel
Tickets at the prices of:
from 220 pln - tribunes
330 pln - golden circle early entrance*
242 pln – golden circle
187 pln – general admission
VIP offer available here!
*early entrance ticket
is the offer for the most devoted fans! You get: early entrance to the venue and possibility to get a place in 1st rows! Detailed info to be delivered via e-mail approximately 1 week prior to the event. Available on line only.
Fan Club pre-sale available from 5th November via
Tickets are available via
Author: Artemistress
Translator: Artemistress
Source: @ / materiały promocyjne organizatora / 2013-12-05 / Events
Translator: Artemistress
Source: @ / materiały promocyjne organizatora / 2013-12-05 / Events