Scontrum act VI - Bisclaveret, Sect, Ab Intra
- Wrocław Industrial Festival 2024 - 2024-11-21 (Festivals)
- Wrocław Industrial Festival 2023 - 2023-11-18 (Festivals)
- Wrocław Industrial Festival 2018 - 2018-11-07 (Festivals)
- Castle Party 2016 - 2016-08-05 (Festivals)
- Wrocław Industrial Festival 2014 - 2014-11-12 (Festivals)
- Wrocław Industrial Festival 2012 - 2012-11-14 (Festivals)
- Defibrylator II - 2011-09-21 (Festivals)
- ARTeNATIVE #1 - 2008-04-28 (Concerts)
- Evening in the 'Under the Hourglass' Sanatorium - 2007-12-06 (Gigs)
- Protagosterium Tour - 2007-01-11 (Concerts)
- Temple of Silence 2 - 2006-09-10 (Festivals)
- 1000SCHOEN / AB INTRA - Split 2CD - 2014-05-26 (News)
- Two concerts Lahka Muza and Bisclaveret - 2014-05-10 (Events)
- Bisclaveret - Theu Anagnosis - 2014-05-09 (News)
- The end of "In Progress" holidays' cycle - 2012-07-25 (Events)
- On Zoharum's 5-th anniversary... - 2012-07-10 (News)
- Ab Intra – Supremus - 2012-02-21 (News)
- Sect - Auctoritas - 2011-12-21 (News)
- Sinsect - Bug Life - 2011-03-16 (News)
- Bisclaveret - Ephemeros [ante ‘Te Deum’] - 2010-07-06 (News)
- Sect - Imperative - 2009-10-18 (News)

Sixth part of acclaimed serie is released. This time rather far from military tunes. Three Polish acts - Bisclaveret, Sect and Ab Intra in mystic visions reflected in men's conflicts. Artwork based on reproductions of Dariusz Branski oil paintings. Limited to 369 copies, handnumbered.