Some novelties from Dope Stars Inc.
Last topics on forum:
- M'era Luna 2015 - 2015-08-17 (Festivals)
- Castle Party 2011 - 2011-07-27 (Festivals)
- M'era Luna 2006 - 2006-08-12 (Festivals)
- Amphi Festival 2006 - 2006-08-03 (Festivals)
Last topics on forum:
- Dope Stars Inc. - 2005-12-11
- Dope Stars Inc. - Decrypted Files - 2016-03-08 (News)
- Dope Stars Inc. - Criminal Intents / Morning Star - 2015-08-28 (News)
- Dope Stars Inc. - ://Neuromance - 2015-08-14 (News)
- Dope Stars Inc. - 10.000 Watts Of Artificial Pleasures (Unlimited Edition) - 2015-08-11 (News)
- Dope Stars Inc. – TeraPunk - 2015-02-27 (News)
- Dope Stars Inc. - Better Not To Joke - 2012-10-28 (News)
- Dope Stars Inc. - Ultrawired - 2011-06-08 (News)
- Dope Stars Inc. - cyber sale! - 2010-10-17 (News)
- Dope Stars Inc. videoklip It's Today - 2010-03-25 (News)
- Dope Stars Inc. presents - 21st Century Slave - 2009-05-19 (News)

Dope Stars Inc. have recently finished quite a cyber-sale of their goods - a fact which we had pleasure to inform you about earlier. Now we are pleased to announce that the anticipation for the long-awaited launch of their brand new website, which, unsurprisingly, can be found at has finally come to an end!
New photos, new logo and a new song - "Bankster" - are the main reasons why everyone should visit their web site, if not just out of sheer curiosity. Incidentally, for the first time ever, Dope Starts Inc. are to perform at the next edition of Castle Party in less than 8 months!