AlterNation - music magazine about Electro, Industrial, EBM, Gothic, Darkwave and more
Sulpher - Spray

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Sulpher is a British industrial rock duo, consisted of Rob Holliday and Monti. Separately, or already under that name, they have collaborated with such acts like Depeche Mode, Laibach or The Mission, but they are mainly known from being the co-producers of Gary Numan’s "Pure" (they also did five remixes for the "Hybrid" compilation). They 2002’s debut album "Spray" can be also seen as one of their greatest achievements. It’s clear that Monti and Holliday have listened to lots of industriacl rock in the 90’s, so they knew what to be inspired by. Their music sounds just like the early works of Stabbing Westward (maybe just only more inspired by Trent Reznor’s "Broken") with a way better production and vocals. There’s more guitar than electronics here (the latter one plays more important role only in "Misery" and "Fear Me" – otherwise it plays somewhere asides), Sulpher also knows how to use silence in their songs (the opening track "Scarred" can be a good example for this, as well as the single "You Ruined Everything"). We can hear a bass solo in "Misery" or three minutes long introduction to "You Don't Mean That Much". Don’t expect to find here sweet ballads or melancholic atmosphere builders – there’s absolutely no room for them on "Spray", between bombarding riffs, screaming vocalist and gloomy feeling. That could be considered as a drawback, because sometimes the energy seems to be taken by monotony ("Blasphemy", the closing track "Problem"), but from the other hand thanks to that the material is more coherent and gives a stronger kick. Maybe industrial rock didn’t die in twentieth century? It would be nice to hear some more from Sulpher – they’re currently trying to make a new album. I wish they won’t end as majority of their predecessors.


1. Scarred
2. Misery
3. You Ruined Everything
4. Unknown
5. You Don't Mean That Much
6. One Of Us
7. Blasphemy
8. Fear Me
9. Spray
10. Problem
Translator: alucard
Add date: 2009-08-29 / Music reviews

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