AlterNation - music magazine about Electro, Industrial, EBM, Gothic, Darkwave and more
Tarja Turunen in Cracow

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As a part of "Colours in the Road" tour Finnish vocalist Tarja Turunen visited Poland to give four concerts including one in Cracow’s club Studio on 9th November. Tarja, in a good shape and with full professionalism, made the audience go crazy. When it comes to the audience, the place was absolutely full. There was an enormous queue in front of the entrance and crowds of people long before the concert’s beginning. The age span quite big, in front of me there’s a child, next to me some students, behind me middle aged couple. And every single person with love and admiration in their eyes. But let’s start from the beginning. Before the main point of the evening, there were two supports.
As the first one, Nonamen band promoting their latest album "Obsession". A woman with microphone, violin and rather poor sound of the vocal. The performance didn’t impress much but as an opening for this really special evening they were good enough.
The second supporting band, Crimson Blue was much better. The fans of such bands as Evanescence and Lacuna Coil may find it appealing. The charming vocalist with really strong voice and guitars. It was quite obvious that they feel good on stage and are having fun playing, which soon was shared by the audience too.
I don’t believe it’s necessary to introduce Tarja as an ex-vocalist of some famous band or to define her artistic output by her participation in it. The artist established  her own brand long time ago which she proved once again in Cracow. Amazing and enchanting is her contact with the audience. The moment she entered the stage the audience went mad.  Tarja often thanked and underlined the importance of the fans for her, also in Polish and she was openly touched by fans’ reactions and their enthusiasm. It was hard to say what is more deafening the sound of music from the stage or the shouting of the crowd. Those who hadn’t seen Tarja’s concerts before and was expecting to see soft, opera-like concert surely was surprised. Tarja is a real stage volcano. Nothing but the cascades of sparks from the stage. Total madness. From the very first minute we could experience perfect sound of the band. From  In for a kill", "500 letters", "Little lies" up to "I Walk Alone", "Mystique Voyage", "Die Alive" or amazing "Medusa" Tarja was casting spells on us and powerful sound captivated us. It was impossible to resist. "Never Enough" ended up with instrumental storm when Tarja left the stage to change her outfit and the musicians could show their best. Charming cello and Max Lilja, Christian Kretschmar – piano
Kevin Chown – bass, guitar with Alex Schlopp and new drum player Thomas Heinz. And the moment when they all left the stage, but it couldn’t be the end and it wasn’t. There must certainly be some time for "Victim of Ritual", paralyzing song form the latest album. "I wish I had an angel" – amuck, ecstasy and total madness – these are too weak words to describe what was happening with the audience. Seducing "Until my last breath" and it seemed to be really the end farewell but then Tarja asked secretely if we wanted one more. The answer was obivious so we went "Over the hills and far away" through this awesome music land which Tarja opened for us. Such concerts could last endlessly. Yes, I was sad that it’s over and I hope to see her again. 
Translator: morrigan
Add date: 2014-12-16 / Live reports

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