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The Blank VRS - The Idiots and the Envious

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Imagine a cold, melancholic atmosphere of Sweden in the late autumn. Dark clouds hang over horizon, latent rain can not decide, whether to send its cool blessing to the increasingly gray earth, and cold air causes a shy red on the cheeks, as if man could not be sure, whether he is doing good, while deciding to face it. Along with that moving air you are walking through the wet streets of Stockholm. Suddenly, in the corner of your eye, you notice a bit differently organized space, a little more distant from modernity. Going down to narrow, cobbled street that seems not to be renewed (except maybe some cosmetic changes) for several decades is tempting, so you change the direction of march. Strolling around in the shadows, sheltered from rain that is just starting, among low buildings you encounter one, that with its architecture leads you to a closer examination. The building looks abandoned, through the dusty windows understated shapes are looming, you look around, the dark alley is empty. You push an old brass doorknob and, to your surprise, the door opens. You move to a dry room. Around there are pilling objects covered with canvas. Choking from dust, you discover, that you are dealing with something quite like a museum of macabre and grotesque, but with a taste of a romantic sadness. Under the next sheet is a turntable. You set the needle to one of the black, unmarked vinyl record lying next to. With joy you are hearing the first notes of Atrocity Exhibition.

That are images the music of The Blank VRS evokes, spirit of Joy Division and early The Cure at the museum of curiosities.

Swedish, and now located in Berlin, the project of Kalle Fagerberg has a several minor releases on its account, and in March 2013 with the support of Pale Music Int. it released a new EP titled The Idiots and the Enviuos. For many at the beginning an advantage will be the fact, that at creation of the material Kalle used poetry of John Wilmot, a scandalist referring to the libertine philosophy, whose biography was basis for The Libertine movie (a treat for fans of Johnny Depp).

New tracks are a wide experiment with musical structures based on the foundation of new wave from the 80’s. An unusual, even strange, but with that deviation from the known standards is thrilling. Elementary and pleasantly old fashioned because of the immediately audible patterns, but also difficult to compare with specific performers. Here floats only ectoplasmic, ethereal spirit of the old times.
Name of the project ("blank verse") has some reflection in music. Listener is not so much focusing on structured "rhymes", that at the factual experiment, the elements are building madness and neurosis. Because music and lyrics on The Idiots and the Envious are undoubtedly neurotic. On the one hand personal, on the other universal lines are given by the voice with a specific tone (not everyone will be at once convinced by it), and while Kalle is unlikely to become a bel canto singer, he has the ability to communicate exactly the emotions, that he wishes to communicate - each tremor of voice, every note is charged with feelings, regardless whether, is it coming to a shout or a whisper. And underneath all vibrates subcutaneous, sweeping, emotional paranoia – a companion in the times of uncertainty and confusion.
Fig Head, hit like and probably the most successful, can be regarded as an indicator of the entire album. Ethereal, delicate, but clear electric guitar underpinned by the unique electronics, which in the chorus turns into a madness of pulsation, that very electric guitar, though used sparingly, can not get out of your head, along with the hypnotic rhythm creating a subcutaneous climate of anxiety. The title track, in turn, places greater emphasis on electronics, desperate synth-wave talking just about despair is lighter in tone than the previous composition, and time after time throws strips on its musical surface.
I was seduced by Pigeon Song (for Sparrow) and subsequent Polygraph. Persistent mesmeric rhythm, low distorted guitar (brightening in the chorus) extending almost for the entire first track along with the aforementioned voice and bass guitar and a comeback to the electronic pulse known from Fig Head form an almost fatalistic, distressing atmosphere. The individual layers are taking the lead, they mute and explode again, devouring each other and again standardize, and Kalle is also taking a part with his vocals in this game. Pigeon Song has mostly a guitar character. Polygraph begins with a charmingly rising tension, tranquility is apparent, predatory projection to the front of drums and shouting, and then there is return to introducing to a trance rhythm with a variety of co-accompanying characteristic to The Blank VRS sounds.
Night Life/Night Death deceives with a childishly innocent beginning, to quickly move to the darker, driven by percussion, guitar and ill effects of wandering, but, unfortunately, excessively contrasted, lighter musically chorus seems to be out of place and spoils the potential of composition. It is even not saved by interesting, unexpected changes of pace.
Short, almost two and half minute, Lucipheromones that is ending the album is completely different from the rest of compositions. Calm, slow, more melancholic, with waving, light electronics and soft, melodic sounds, not with an ounce of guitar distortion. Minimalistic, focused on creating the atmosphere, without gimmicks. Even Kalle’s voice (in the second part of the track, however, passed through a filter) becomes more friendly, quieter, warmer, so different from the general neuroticism of the material, that even a teardrop seems to be in place.

For fans of new wave, for fans of experiment, even for the fans of (slightly mad) pop - for fans of good music The Idiots and the Envious if it is not a must, it is definitely recommended.


01. Fig Head
02. The Idiots and the Envious
03. Pigeon Song (for Sparrow)
04. Polygraph
05. Night Life/Night Death
06. Lucipheromones
Translator: hellium
Add date: 2013-11-14 / Music reviews

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