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7JK - Anthems Flesh

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In the case of such acclaimed names as Matt Howden and Job Karma, an irristisitble urge to compare the latest album with the previous works switches on automatically while writing a review of that latest record. A few words about the style, a few about the up-to-the-date works, a few about your favorite album or a track, then the grading.
However, in this very case we can consciously switch this subconcious deviation off, for we are to deal with a whole new merit. Nevertheless, I cannot omit the fact that Matt has been one of my favorite artists for years, as well as Job Karma, which has been growing on me with every record, with the aesthetic directions marked by the album "Punkt" ever-burgeoning.
I welcome it with an approval, it is the right path. It is my opinion that the Gents from Job Karma have already shown that they do deserve to hold the title (which they are endowed with in a quite shy manner, here and there) of the best Polish project at the moment. Yet, I have not gone over the top by claiming so for Matt Howden has been a leage of his now for a while now.
Still, does such a combination make sense and does it introduce something unique and valuable? One can after all blend a herring with a dollop of jam, which however does not outline the good taste.
Everyone who happened to talk the night away, elaborating about music with the alikes, knows that particular play of creating a superband consisting of musicinas from differend groups.
A vocalist taken from here, a guitarist from elsewhere and so forth. In the process of creating such a band, more and more bizzare line ups were being created, while the imagination was rather incapable of stating the future sound and style of such imaginary bands. A herring doing vocals, a dollop of jam playing the guitar. I would not have imagined that such a convention could work on the post-industrial scene and that the supergroup would consist of so few "components", simultanouesly jarring on with the variety of artistic expresiveness. But I would absolutely not have imagined that the idea might come into being!
For the Gents Howden, Frett and Pisarzewski succeded in blending uncombinable. It was not mixing the herring with jam but I am sure that if they were responsible for revolutinary cuisine, they would also succeed in this matter.
Of course, on the album one can hear elements that are typical of both projects. It is a fantastic, extraordinary and mellow voice of Matt, with its characteristic manner; pulsating and very energetic rhytmic layer of Job Karma; the sound of violins complemented by industrial atmosphere result in a truly exquisite sonic harmony.
Magical "Dear Claire" with outstandingly permeating sounds of guitars, violin and synths; fantastically mesmerizing "Krau" and "Planning for Zombie Apocalypse", a moving title-track "Anthems Flesh", and the realy hits: "Wroclaw in the Rain", "End of the Year" and a hype cover of my beloved OMD - "Maid of Orleans"...
And this is merely a half of 13 pieces, which the album is composed of. I asure You that the rest of them is just as beautiful as the first part. I have encountered a number of opinions that the album is the record of the year for many listeners. I also opt for that statement, even though my record of the years has not come out yet, but I am absolutely sure that "Anthems Flesh" is the world's top.
I have not undertaken to analise the musical contents of the album in detail, becuase all the emotions that accompanied the listening of "Anthems Flesh" rule out the urge to return to sober, chronical analysis. And the feelings I experienced defy description.
One thing I can say for sure - everyone has to experience the album on his/her own. With their own ears. The very way it was once stated by unforgettable Tomasz Beksiński"...The music must be listened to. The music must be experienced. One has to handle it by means of emotions, not words. Just as if we were telling a lady about an orgasm, instead of going to bed with her."
My only hope is that my words were encouraging enough as to urge You to go to bed... I mean, listen to the album of 7JK.
Maybe even when sharing a bed with the one You value the most. Well, recently I have been listening to "Anthems Flesh" literally everywhere.


01. Dirt City
02. Dear Claire
03. Krau
04. Wroclaw In The Rain
05. End Of The Year
06. Organ Madness
07. Boxed In Green
08. Maid Of Orleans
09. Planning For Zombie Apocalypse
10. The World's Pain
11. Anthems Flesh
12. 47 Words For Sheffield
13. Dirt Reprise
Translator: murd
Add date: 2012-05-26 / Music reviews

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