A7ie – Narcissick EP

With "Narcissick" EP, Advoxya's label presents work of selected guests united to provide A7ie some exclusive remixes from the previous album "The Shattering". Also includes exclusive track and remix from Gyom himself.
Available in 2 formats: regular "Narcissick" EP and limited to 100 units "Narcissick" boxset including: "Narcissick" EP, t-shirt, exclusive: 2 stickers, wall-paper and A7ie exclusive "Narcissick" mirror.Release date June 21th, 2011. Video teaser of release can be seen at: http://www.youtube.com/advoxya#p/a/u/1/zgfjbjGBZFE
01. Lullaby Of Pain (Clubmix)
02. Some Kind Of Hate (Remixed by Kaos Frequenz)
03. I, Liar (Touched by Stahlnebel & Black Selket)
04. Martyr (Remixed by Centhron)
05. Stay (Remixed by Syndrome X/209 V1.0)
06. The Blaze
07. Angels (Remixed by Niteshift)
08. Some Kind Of Hate (Wyjebany Mix by Rsm)
09. The Blaze (Remixed by Project Rotten)
10. Neuroleptics (Vs Nexus VI)
11. Some Kind Of Hate (Remixxx by Dolls Of Pain)
12. Angels (Be Forwarned Mix by The Twilight Freakshow).