Abnormals festival
Last topics on forum:
- 2nd Gen + Suka OFF - 2008-04-28 (Concerts)
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- Nienormalni Festiwal - 2007-02-04
- Darkbeat & Flesh Forms - 2006-05-29 (Events)
- SUKA OFF & C.H.DISTRICT IN TVP KULTURA - 2005-10-26 (News)

The portal nienormalni.pl invites you to Body Art Performance which will take place on 24^th March 2007 in Poznan. It's the first presentation of the artists from Great Britain in Poland and it makes no difference between "the official artistic space" and unofficial club performance. The motive that links the performance are the immediate connotations of the artists with underground club environment that constituted a 'scene' where the various elements of independent music, art and culture mixed in the 90s. The performers such as Franko B, Ron Athey or the members of "Temple of Psychic Youth" established by Genesis P-Orrige, the musicians of Test Dept, Lab 4, Death in June and Tiger Lillies presented their achievements there.
Such projects as TRAUMA UNIT from London or SYNAESTHESIA from Birmingham are important factors that link next generations of artists that use body to express emotions and problems the contemporary human is involved in. In between the performances there will be video projections by SUKA OFF and the films of artists who use their bodies in their works.
Attention! The presentations include the images that show blood and nudity. Only the people over 18 will be allowed to participate in the performance! Taking photos and videos is forbidden.