Aethere - In Coma...
Last topics on forum:
- Aethere - The Long Dark Tea - Time Of The Soul - 2010-09-23
- Aethere - The Long & Dark Tea - Time of the Soul - 2007-07-04 (News)

"In coma" is the last work of Aethere, an act of Emanuele Ratti from Milan who in the last 4 years brought to perfection his dark ambient - space music hybrid, starting from a Cold Meat Industry style and finishing with sophisticated personal music, binding dilated atmosphere, typical for space music, with the more compact, oppressive style, characteristic for swedish masters. "In coma" is the end of Aethere, an album created on the really feeble equilibrium between life and death: the EEG sound walks through the six tracks until the acme of the mass-sounds. When the EEG becomes a flat line, Aethere dies.