Agonoize - Hexakosioihexekontahexa
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With their new double album 'Hexakosioihexekontahexa', the Berlin Bad Boys trio of Agonoize is elevating their self-minted sub genre of Aggro-Electro into altogether new dimensions.
On the 22 new tracks that are distributed evenly onto two full-length CDs, Agonoize are conjuring up the most effective balancing act to date between the hardest and most melodic works they have produced, thus far. The double album contains the club-approved floor fillers Bis das Blut gefriert, Seelenbrecher and Pornomagcenterfold plus 19 more onslaughts of electronic mayhem.Released on Out of Line and available October 2th 2009.
01. Bis das blut gefriert
02. Vollrauschfetischist
03. Rituale Romanum
04. I am
05. Lüge Liebe
06. Exitus
07. Paradox
08. Puppenmädchen
09. Kind der Nacht
10. ManMadeGod
11. Blut, Sex, tod
12. Seelenbrecher V. 3
13. Blutverlust
01. My battlefield
02. Psychopath
03. Die Emotion
04. OhneTitel
05. Bloodqueen
06. Der letzte Kreuzzug
07. Legion
08. Pornomagcenterfold
09. Bis das Blut gefriert Video