Analog Angel - Dischord

80's analog electronica; today's digital technology; blended together for an up to date sound. This is what the headline banner of states - let's see! The new album - Dischord - is released by Rage In Eden Records on 30th November and is the debut album of this three piece, electronic band from Glasgow, Scotland.
For anyone that has not heard of Analog Angel; they are not a boy band by any means. They are of an age where they can remember the 80's in full, vivid, 3-D glory and the songs on DISCHORD tell some of the story from the glorious 80's. 80's electronica? There is certainly more than a hint of 80's electronica on DISCHORD. Some of the basslines are straight out of the yearbooks 80-85!! Some of the sounds are pure analogue beauty; full of filter sweeps that could smash windows!! Up to date techn ology? - that box is ticked too. There are digital synths on the album; of that there is no doubt but they have been tweeked to within an inch of their lives! DISCHORD has been put together using some sort of digital interface but ANALOG ANGEL have tried to be a bit different from all the others in this genre and they have actually played some of the parts live and not quantized the result. This results in a less clinical sound with a bit more warmth than you would normally expect from an all electronic band. An up to date sound? They have managed to revisit the 80's, picked all that is good, timewarped back to 2009 and put together DISCHORD. The songs? The songs themselves stand up to the test. You can tell immediately that the guys have some life experiences beh ind them. Some of the music excels and their influences shine through but it is the lyrics that give the game away. Sure, there is some good. old fashioned synth pop on the album but there is a dark, sometimes menacing undertone to some of the lyrics. The titles of some of the songs shout out to you that there is something dark, cheeky and menacing about to unfold into your ears. There is also an edgy, vulnerable side in some of the songs.Tracklist:
01. Touched
02. Television
03. Shadows
04. Ich Habe
05. High Heels
06. Down on Your Knees
07. No Contest
08. What We've Become
09. Deviance
10. Inner Innocence (Original Innocence)
11. Down on Your Knees (Carpet burn reprise)
12. Television (900 Channels remix)