ASP to release ''Akoshama-Horror Vacui live''
- Mera Luna 2017 - 2017-08-21 (Festivals)
- M'era Luna 2015 - 2015-08-17 (Festivals)
- M'era Luna 2014 - 2014-08-12 (Festivals)
- M'era Luna 2013 - 2013-08-14 (Festivals)
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- Amphi Festival 2010 - 2010-07-27 (Festivals)
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Out by early December is the live album "Akoasma–Horror Vacui Live" by the German Gothic Rock act ASP. The release comes as a standard edition (double CD) in digipak with partial brilliant varnish and 28 pages booklet. The release comes right after the best-of-CD "Horror Vacui" and the accompanying Greatest Hits tour. A limited deluxe special edition in Hardcover-Paperbook box (limited to 3.999 copies) will be out as well holding 4 additional live songs on CD3.