Code 64 - Trialogue in September
- Code 64 – Deviant EP - 2011-08-07 (News)
- first infest 2011 bands announced! - 2011-02-09 (Events)
- Core 64 - Departure - 2006-04-25 (News)
- Code 64 - 2005-11-23 (News)

Third, long-awaited album, Code 64 "Trialogue" will be released on September 8 by Progress Productions label. Since the previous release had passed over four years.
In 2008, the Swedish project was left by the singer, who was with the band since its inception - Henrik Piehl. His place was taken by Bjørn Marius Borg and his voice will be heard on the upcoming album. The hard work put into the preparation of album for sure will be rewarded if the fans like strengths of electronic sounds and catchy dance tunes, among which will dominate the strong vocals of Bjorn. All this should strengthen bands position among others within electronic scene. Recommended to all sympathizers of VNV Nation, Seabound, Mind.In.A.Box or Mesh. It's worth to hurry purchasing the album, because as the record label announced the first 200 copies include a bonus CD with autographs of musicians."Trialogue"
01 Prologue
02 Deviant
03 Progenitor
04 Stasis (Seeds of Utopia I)
05 Higher Ground (Seeds of Utopia II)
06 Oblivion (Seeds of Utopia III)
07 Technocraft v.64
08 S.O.L.
09 Masquerade
10 Advanced Robotics
11 Tell Me
12 Close Encounters / Hyperdrive
13 Reefersleep
14 Epilogue
Bonus CD
01: Deviant (Titans Remix)
02: Oblivion (Mind.In.A.Box Remix)
03: Higher Ground
(Essence Of Mind Remix)
04: Close Encounters (Kant Kino Remix)
05: Progenitor (KC Killjoy Remix)
06: Advanced Robotics (Protostar Remix)