Cryo - Hidden Aggression
- Nocturnal Culture Night 2015 - 2015-09-17 (Festivals)
- Cryogenix - 2007-11-03 (Gigs)
- Cryo - The Fall of Man - 2019-05-24 (News)
- Cryo - Sanitarium - 2018-11-15 (News)
- Cryo - Control - 2018-03-09 (News)
- Cryo - "Cryogenic" - 2006-05-11 (News)
- News from Scandinavia - 2006-04-06 (News)

In 2006 Martin Rudefelt aka. Cryo released his debutalbum "Cryogenic" to EXCELLENT worldwide reviews. It even awarded him a SAMA-Award as best newcomer in the electronic music scene.
Cryo has a unique twist to his music the media wrote. it´s cold, static yet danceable and catchy. And now 2010 Cryo returns with the brand new album "Hidden Aggression" which is nothing less than a true masterpiece. Danceable and rhythmic with beats that will crush the dancefloors to pieces with it´s driving force yet still melodic. "Hidden Aggression" is the future of electronic music when it has taken yet a step of development. It´s not only good. It´s simply: FU**ING FANTASTIC!! Released on Progress Productions and available March 15th, 2010.
01: Prelude - Waves of Sin
02: I Tune In
03: Weitergehen
04: Substance
05: Hit Me Once
06: Counting Down Again
07: Guantanamo Bay
08: Contract Killer
09: I Die Every Day
10: Forgotten