Destruction Time Again (The 40hour ROCK Challenge)

"Destruction Time Again" then title of atypical compilation on which it folded 15 works recorded by less or more well-known artists from circle dark independent. Whole this undertaking then idea Zoog frontman Australian duet Angelspit.
Foundation of project it was seemingly a simple: compose work-protest, directed against apathy and dullness musical surroundings. Aim of experiment it was beginning and completion recording studio material in only just 40 hours! CD "Destruction Time Again" Download them here: Tracklisting:
01. Angelspit -
02. Cryo-Mancer - Wake Up
03. Rensa - Chainsaw through your Heart
04. absurda - Horror Movie
05. Juno Inferna - Create or Die
06. Damaged Reality - No More Excuses
07. Xceno - Apathocalypse
08. SINIC - Fight apathy
09. Anthony Tonkin - Slavery Until We Die
10. Terrae - Riot
11. Broken Playthings - Active(h)ate
12. Daniel Darko - Silhouette
13. This Hollow Machine - Complacent
14. Emetophilia - Divine Contortion
15. Malevolent Murder - Metamorphosis
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Writen at: 2011-03-02 12:17:58
Oj, mało tego czasu mieliśmy :) Ale zabawa była przednia (choć wtedy jeszcze bez monitorów :P ) Swoją drogą, taka inicjatywa na forum Angelspita była jeszcze jedna, choć poprzednim razem kawałków się zebrało zaledwie cztery, o ile dobrze pamiętam.