Diary Of Dreams - Grau im Licht
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- Modern Cube ^3 - Diorama, Diary of Dreams, Covenant & side projects party 17.08 sob POZNAŃ - 2013-08-03
- Diary Of Dreams – Ego:X - 2011-07-04
- Modern Cube^2 - Diorama, Covenant,Diary of Dreams convent 09.04.2011 sobota, Poznań - 2011-03-30
- Tytuł nowej płyty Diary of Dreams ujawniony - 2010-09-20
- Diary of Dreams - 21/03/2009 sob @ Goerlitz/Zgorzelec - wyjazd z Poznania - wolne miejsce/ca w aucie - 2009-03-23
- Noc z muzyką Diary oF Dreams i Diorama, 14.03.2009, Gdańsk, Patio - 2009-03-06
- Diary Of Dreams (19.01.2008 sobota, Warszawa) - 2007-08-28
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- Terra Relicta Dark Music Awards 2014 - The Final Round! - 2015-02-27 (Events)
- Diary of Dreams - Elegies in Darkness - 2014-01-11 (News)
- New side project of Diary of Dreams members! - 2013-02-16 (News)
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- News from Amphi Festival - 2012-12-25 (Events)
- Acoustic version of Diary of Dreams! - 2012-10-19 (News)
- An acoustic evening with Diary of Dreams, The Beauty of Gemina and Faq - 2012-08-07 (Events)
- Diary Of Dreams - Dream Collector II - 2012-05-31 (News)

One and a half year after the extremely successful ‘Elegies in Darkness’, Diary of Dreams return with an all new 12-tracks album! The overall feeling on ‘Grau im Licht’ (= Grey in Light) is unusually familiar – almost as if it was intrinsically tied to mankind. And yet, in the past few years it seems to be growing more and more acute. If you look at the world, it feels as if there is only one sensible reaction – to become emotionally numb or withering, or to despair completely. War, destruction, fanaticism, egoism, suffering and mourning as far as the eye can see. Everyone is fighting for themselves and for their own interests only, with nobody looking at the greater scheme of things. Just as always. This is precisely the main focus of "Grau im Licht", just as the media with its manipulation, do- minated by national issues. Therefore, the 12 songs of the 12th album by Diary of Dreams are as dark and violent as can be expected. There is no shortage of grand gestures – dark rhythm bulwarks throw themselves against massive guitar strongholds, while electronic walls of sound carry Adrian’s charismatic vocals through the compositions. And of course the album also features the typical melodic-melancholic synth hymns and deep-delving ballads. Thus, this new work has become everything the perfect Diary of Dreams album should be: powerful, melancholic, irate, rousing and thought-provoking! Besides, "Grau im Licht" has become a statement – against the epidemic madness and for empathy and kindness…
Available from 16 October 2015 by Accession Records.Tracklist:
01 Sinferno
02 Endless Nights
03 Ikarus
04 Krank
05 Die my Phobia
06 Grau im Licht
07 SinnFlut
08 HomeSick
09 Schuldig!
10 the Hunted
11 mitGift
12 Schwarz