AlterNation - music magazine about Electro, Industrial, EBM, Gothic, Darkwave and more
Die Ärzte

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It is hard to believe, but fact is a fact – by all sorts of coincidences one of the German punk rock legends has failed to play in our country until now. Fortunately, with a help of Go Ahead agency, an oversight can be finally caught up. 26.06.2013 Die Ärzte, because we are talking about them, visited Warsaw according to the tour "DAS COMEBACK IST NOCH NICHT VORBEI". I do not know, what spells and rituals the promoters casted, but the tickets were in an extremely tempting price of 45/55 zł.

Therefore, to the Proxima club drew crowds of fans of good music, Poles and Germans in the proportions - to my eye - equal. Concert started on time, and band of this caliber does not need the support for an opening. They went out, grabbed their instruments and… the madness began.

Right away I noticed the very good sound settings- I have to admit, that at the previous concert, that I was at that club, sound just spoiled the whole show. This time I did not have any objections. "Doctors" started with energy with "Wie es geht". 50-years-old musicians with their form and energy seemed to outstand many of 'youngsters' in the audience. They greeted in Polish, then quickly consider the burning issue: "in what language should we speak"? Fans of the group know, that from the rakish conversations between band’s members a good comedy DVD can be created. By the fast decision it was stated "One speaks German, the second translates to English". First attempts of such simultaneous way ended in some bursts of laughter as translations were quite... free and playful.

Men moved on, and over the heads of the public began to appear the first crowd surfers, who did not resign until the very end. Ladies’ hearts were conquered by Bela B., who in addition to the specific way of playing the drums (standing one) also presented a shirt that was saying "I love polish girls". The confession has been accepted enthusiastically, and soon at the drums hung blood-red bra (moved later to Rod’s stand).

Men were in their environment - some pieces were completely rearranged (for example "Geschwisterliebe" - from ballad to punk version), or played twice in different versions ("Yoko Ono"). There were also classics like "Schrei nach Liebe" or "Bitte, Bitte". Between songs the musically keen medical trio improvised, joked and made toasts with the public ("bless you"!) In one of the tracks people in the audience, encouraged by the band, were willingly waving shirts over their heads undressed by themselves, in another they were dancing and twirling around their axis. Berliners totally captured the audience, time of the main part of the concert passed quickly.

Fortunately, it did not took long before they encore. Especially Farin, who returned to the stage dressed in "I love polish boys" t-shirt, greeted with well deserved applause. The show got its momentum once again, Bela B. was becoming more and more 'wasteful' – every moment he was giving another stick to the public from the stage, in total he gave away a dozen. And so, after 2.5 hours, the concert of "Best band in the world" has come to an end. I can now boldly say, that it was worth to spend with them that amazing time. Professionalism, great musical abilities of each member of the group, a strong repertoire and inborn charm each of the men causes, that I will be eagerly waiting for another chance to see them in action. Because, unfortunately, that time it was not possible to hear all the pieces that I had been waiting for - even "Die Banane" and "Manchmal haben Frauen".

After the concert, smiling and relaxed musicians were eager to chat with their fans, bravely signed CD’s and tickets and posed for photos.

For those, who missed the show, kind of a consolation can be the fact, that the mp3 recording can be bought at theä
I made a purchase myself and I look forward to get a tasteful pendrive in the shape of... Bela B. (you can choose anyone from the trio). Well, the perverse 'medical' humor, did not disappoint at that time either.
Translator: hellium
Add date: 2013-07-23 / Live reports

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