Dope Stars Inc. - Better Not To Joke
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The new official music video Dope Stars Inc., titled Better Not To Joke from Ultrawired, took place on October 21th.
Ultrawired is the fourth studio album of this Italian group. CD came out on May 30th and is available for free download via official website. For more details about Dope Stars Inc, click here.Track listing Ultrawired:
01. "Better Not to Joke"
02. "Save the Clock Tower"
03. "Cracking the Power"
04. "Banksters"
05. "Lies Irae"
06. "Blackout"
07. "Get Young"
08. "No Life Belongs to You"
09. "Two-Dimensional World"
10. "Run Motherfucker Run"
11. "Pwning the Network"
12. "We Are the New Ones" (featuring an interview portion of Mario Savio)
13. "Riding UFOs"
14. "Thru the Never"
Author: NataliaElanor
Translator: NataliaElanor
Source: / 2012-10-28 / News
Translator: NataliaElanor
Source: / 2012-10-28 / News