Erdling - Supernova
- M'era Luna 2018 - 2018-08-15 (Festivals)
- Mera Luna 2016 - 2016-08-21 (Festivals)
- Erdling - Dämon - 2018-07-20 (News)
- Erdling - Aus den Tiefen - 2016-01-21 (News)
- Erdling - Blitz und Donner - 2015-10-31 (News)

Erdling are unstoppable. A mere year after the release of the successful debut album the hard-working quartet fronted by singer Neill Devin is delivering the explosive successor, aptly titled "Supernova."
"Supernova" is a harder, darker, more menacing and a great deal more mature version of Erdling: a hit-monster comprised of anthemic melodies, yet in a constant wrestling match with laconic German-language lyrics, a juggernaut of precise guitar riffing and a thudding machine of rhythm and electronics.
The album will also be released as a deluxe double CD-version containing an exclusive bonus disc with remixes, alternative versions and re-interpretations of the new songs by the likes of Marc Görtz from Caliban, To The Rats And Wolves, Heldmaschine, Andy Brings (ex-Sodom, Double Crush Syndrome) and Calibre Infinite.
Available from 17 March 2017 by Out Of Line."Supernova" is a harder, darker, more menacing and a great deal more mature version of Erdling: a hit-monster comprised of anthemic melodies, yet in a constant wrestling match with laconic German-language lyrics, a juggernaut of precise guitar riffing and a thudding machine of rhythm and electronics.
The album will also be released as a deluxe double CD-version containing an exclusive bonus disc with remixes, alternative versions and re-interpretations of the new songs by the likes of Marc Görtz from Caliban, To The Rats And Wolves, Heldmaschine, Andy Brings (ex-Sodom, Double Crush Syndrome) and Calibre Infinite.
1. Absolutus Rex
2. Es Gibt Dich Nicht
3. Mein Element
4. Kein Schatten Ohne Licht
5. Angst
6. Unantastbar
7. Frei wie der Wind
8. Supernova
9. Über-Ich
10. Getrieben von Hass
11. Phoenix
12. Als Ich Gott Erschuf