Ext!ze - Paradize 2069
- Amphi Festival 2010 - 2010-07-27 (Festivals)
- Wave Gotik Treffen 2010 - 2010-05-26 (Festivals)
- EXT!ZE - FallOut Nation - 2009-10-31 (News)

At home in the buzzing and relentless cyberspace like no other electro project, Ext!ze truly stirred up the electro scene in the previous year. With provocative singles like "Gothic Pussy" or the futuristic nightmares on the debut "FallOut Nation" the German-French friendship unmistakably clarified that their music, however convincing, is far from everything these neon-colored dancefloor terrorists have to offer – no matter whether on stage, in the clubs or in the homes of the swelling ranks of followers.
With the double album "Paradize 2069", Ext!ze ultimately enter the futuristic cosmos of their songs and shows and dive so very deep into the cyberspace that a return to this reality gets more and more unlikely with each passing track. What’s remarkable: "Paradize 2069" is thoroughly based on an elaborate Science Fiction story written by the band. "Paradize 2069" tells the story of the hacker and data collector Ace who spends his days solely in digital cyberspace universes. He encounters the both tempting and enigmatic dancer Mira in a club and gets infected by a killer virus through the plug in his head soon after. A cyberspace race against death and for humanity commences, adequately driven by hyperactive beat monsters and harsh bass attacks. Endtime Electro, Terror Trance and Insane Industrial gather to form an explosive sound cocktail epitomizing relentless club culture on chapter one ("Hell") and trademark beat cascades with surprisingly calm moments on the second CD ("Heaven"). Both works get united by the utopian and yet realistic background story that is present throughout the songs. Comparable to a good book, the cyber disciples Ext!ze took great care that the 30 tracks (among them remixes by Straftanz, Helalyn Flowers, Frozen Plasma and others) never lack the dynamics elementary for creating the dramaturgy worthy of such a koncept. Thus, "Paradize 2069" became a fatally danceable and familiarly flashy as well as an extremely profound and contemporary master piece!Released on Trisol and available February 25th, 2011.
01 Intro
02 Headquake
03 Keep Dancing
04 Soundcheck
05 (D)evil Girl
06 Rave My Head (Dark E Mix Club Edit)
07 Spooky Fuck
08 Y W C
09 Stop this Noise!
10 Krachkommando
11 Outro
12 Headquake (Straftanz Escalates Rework)
13 Headquake (Project Rotten Rmx)
14 (D)evil Girl (Genetic Disorder Rmx)
15 Soundcheck (Psysun & BioTronic Rmx)
01 Intro
02 Away from Paradize
03 Ghost on Earth (feat. Inline Sex Terror)
04 La Ballerine est morte (Miroir de Glace Edit)
05 Notre Père
06 Connect to Paradize (feat. Ad Inferna)
07 In Your Eyes
08 Requiem D Moll (feat. Seileen) (ElectroDivaMix)
09 Close Your Eyes
10 Over the Sky
11 Outro
12 Away from Paradize (Frozen Plasma Rmx)
13 Away from Paradize (Helalyn Flowers Rmx)
14 Ghost on Earth (Evestus Broken Amp Rmx)
15 Close Your Eyes (Silizium Rmx)