Faith and The Muse in Germany
- Faith and The Muse + Arise-X - 2010-08-23 (Concerts)
- M'era Luna 2010 - 2010-08-09 (Festivals)
- Castle Party 2010 - 2010-08-02 (Festivals)
- Faith and the Muse - Where the Land Meets the Sea - 2016-03-19 (News)
- New single of The The Eden House! - 2013-02-23 (News)

American group Faith and The Muse goes on a tour again of German festivals, this time with their album "Ankoku Butoh" and this time they also comes to Berlin. Faith and The Muse music is distinguished by great diversity: we can in it the elements of altenative electronic music, ghotic rock, jazz influences, avant-growe or folk sounds, which are inspired by different cultures and religions. That’s why Faith and the Muse managed to create an unique style of music, which can not be classified and categorized.
One of the closest concerts it will take place in club K-17 where as support will play Arise - X.Trio Arise - X touches on conquest parquet floors with one's dancing rhythms from borderland industrial, electro and techno - interesting mixture heavy sounds and melody. Their stage performances they are rich in attractions and they surprise often the public unexpected elements.
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