Implant - The Productive Citizen
- Nocturnal Culture Night 2010 - 2010-09-09 (Festivals)
- M'era Luna 2007 - 2007-08-09 (Festivals)
- Wave Gotik Treffen 2006 - 2006-06-13 (Festivals)
- Implant - Oxynoxe-X - 2017-11-22 (News)
- Acylum - The Enemy - 2009-09-25 (News)
- Gothic Compilation 44 - 2009-07-06 (News)
- Angelspit - Black Kingdom Red Kingdom - 2009-05-14 (News)
- Implant - Implantology - 2009-04-03 (News)
- Massiv in Mensch return with - Hands on Massiv: The Remixes - 2009-01-26 (News)

Haven't we all been there? Before you can even think of breathing again, you are already facing another panic deadline, working late into the night on that new last-minute, super urgent, top priority report for your boss who will not even thank you. Deliver, deliver, deliver... That increasing feeling of stress and pressure. Run, run, run... Non-stop scrambling on the hamster wheel to become the perfect productive citizen!
While you all have been scrutinised, scanned and watched, IMPLANT turned their back to that world of immediate action and rapid turnaround and opted for a studio lock-out at the Implant Plant, blocking all contacts with and from that invasive outside world. "The Productive Citizen", the Belgian duo's new album deals with the contemporary topics of social pressure, decreasing privacy and tuning into the rhythm of people we will never ever meet... A new CD offering IMPLANT the perfect medium using music to take a stand and kick against the pricks.
While their fanbase polls reported a sharp increase in expectations month after month, IMPLANT resisted to the time pressure of speed execution and focused on detailed quality production and refinement giving them the ultimate good feeling of being good productive citizens who chose to revolt against the biodigital nightmare. Loud and catchy, fast and moody, distorted and melodic, IMPLANT offer 12 new tracks jumping from harsh EBM to industrial pop through goa trance. Pure electronic music mixing old school roots and modern tones with strong and carrying vocals including special guest appearance of LEAETHER STRIP, KRYSTAL SYSTEM or yet XMH. Go and grab that new record, faster, faster...
Released on Alfa Matrix and available May 17th, 2013.
01. Lord Knows I Tried (Album Version)
02. C.C.C.P.C.C.T.V.
03. Scanned
04. The City
05. Jour Nucléaire
06. I'm In Control
07. Joe Is Dead
08. The Game
09. Biodigital Nightmare
10.The Product
11. Johnny
12. I am the teacher