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Inerview with Żana Siaczynska (Moonlight)

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The interview with Żana Siarczynska, the organizer of the tour Bomb Your Ears tour 2005

Dobermann: Hello, could you tell us where you took the idea for the whole event from? Why did you pick up these particular bands?

-Żana Siaczyńska: It was supposed to be a tour that would present energy and power hidden in the music of Moonlight and Dive3d. Additionally, it was to be an important music event in Polish cultural life; after all you don't see such bands in Poland every day. What should also be mentioned is that in both major tour bands as well as in some support bands the vocalists are women. We wanted to show that women are also strong, independent and decisive. I believe you don't have any doubts that it is true while listening to Moonlight or Dive3d (laugh). The other thing is that both bands try to change their image that was established some time ago. Moonlight is said to be a gothic band while in fact for 4 years they haven't had anything to do with that music. It's the same with Dive3d: nu metal classification doesn't suit the music of the band anymore. Funny thing is that someone even tried to describe them as gothic once. You know, girl is a vocalist so, yeah, why not put them together with Nightwish and Evanesence. As for the bands, the priority was to choose those of the similar stylistics. We wanted the audience to have equal fun on any of the concert that will take place during the tour. That was the reason we chose the experienced bands which are able to spirit people away during the show. The energy was the most important factor here, too. All the bands which you'll see during BYE Tour 2005 are of rock style and they something important to say. There are female vocalists in Moonlight and Dive3d , who are strong, full of energy and who know exactly what they want to say to their audience. This is exactly what we were looking for. Bands of strong personalities and of important message to pass.

D: What were the difficulties you came across during organization if there were any?

-Ż.S.:Whenever you undertake something great you always come across some difficulties and it was so in our case too. However, we managed to overcome them quite fast and the result is the tour BombYourEars. To be honest, I'd rather not talk about it (laugh). There is a tour in three weeks time and let's concentrate on the future, not the past.

D: Do you think that the strong beat scene is developing and gives opportunities for the artist to present themselves?

-Ż.S.: Our market isn't that developed as the western one, and the latter is the one that establishes trends. However, one may notice the return of the rock music which occurrence entails creating new promotional ways for new bands. I think that until we keep imitating the western ways and style od living we won't have the chance to emerge. I'll put it that way: we have to change human mentality slowly and make the people realize that the fact that something is western doesn't mean it's better than ours. If we think that way the only thing left for us is observation and above all skillful use of any promotional chance given to us.

D: I've heard that Moonlight is releasing their new album soon. Is the tour promoting a new publishing as well?

-Ż.S.: Of course, the November tour BombYourEars tour 2005 is a promo tour of the new Moonlight's album "down Words" which will be out on 31th October, a few days before the tour starts.

D: Is the organization of such concerts and festivals in Poland a chance to earn something?

-Ż.S.: It's natural that when you do some job you would like to earn on it... (laugh)

D: Since our market of 'strong beat” is not well-developed and everyone counts on the undertaking's profit, how you find a compromise and attract the fans to come to the concerts ? Or perhaps you organize the concert with a thought of the wider audience, not only the fans?

-Ż.S.:There is no one good, universal way. In any of such undertaking one looks for individual solutions that are the best for each specific project.

D: Is it possible to consider BYE as a preview of the further tours of that type or perhaps of even greater festival?

-Ż.S.: Yes, we plan to continue with this undertaking. However, the specific decisions will be made after B.Y.E tour 2005 is over. Definitely, we would like to organize a big fest or concert for the 15th anniversary of the band Moonlight. Still, now we're concentrated on the current tour to make it the best.

D: What, in your opinion, should a perfect festival or concert be like? Do you think that the one of yours is perfect?

-Ż.S.:I shall start with the technical issues – definitely sounding is crucial to organize a good concert. Things like stage technical service, acoustician, proper security, interesting selection of artists are important as well. These issues matter for the audience. Unfortunately, recently there's been a lot of strictures in our country concerning issues I mentioned: Woodstock is an exception in this respect. As far as our concerts are concerned I'll leave it for the audience to judge.

D: Ok, so let's take it the other way round... What was the best concert or festival you've been to as the audience? What made you think of it as the best?

-Ż.S.:I personally consider Rammstein concert in Spodek the best concert of all – amazing performance and energy. Generally speaking, perfect concert both as a spectacle and organizational effort. As for the last few events, I also liked the concert of Soulfly but in a more emotional sense – great art.

D: In the end... Could you tell a few words for our readers...

-Ż.S.:If you love sounds full of positive energy and dare to face BombYourEars Tour then 2005 you're welcomed. All the details about the concert are available on

D: Thank you for the conversation and see you on the concert in Poznań :)

-Ż.S.: Greets.

Translator: Dobermann
Add date: 2005-10-26 / Interviews

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