Inner Vision Laboratory - Future Chaos
- Castle Party 2019 - 2019-07-22 (Festivals)
- Wibracje Palsecam #4 - 2012-10-20 (Concerts)
- Inner Vision Laboratory - Austeros - 2015-04-22 (News)
- Inner Vision Laboratory & Nepenthe - Ambit - 2014-03-28 (News)
- Inner Vision Laboratory – Perpetua - 2012-04-05 (News)
- Inner Vision Laboratory - Anywhere Out of this World - 2010-05-12 (News)
- Inner Vision Laboratory - Insane Reality - 2007-07-04 (News)

Zoharum present the 4th installment in the IYHHH series. This time it's an archival material from Inner Vision Laboratory which was created more than 4 years ago and has not been released in any form whatsoever. The material was recorded between 2006 and 2007.
It still sounds fresh and interesting despite the fact that IVLab music has evolved into a different direction. 'Future Chaos' is a more dynamic and harsh face of Karol Skrzypiec. This is a dark ambient passage in the world of tribal and postindustrial elements. Album is the sound illustration of the world after a sudden collapse of the humankind and the 21st century civilisation.