AlterNation - music magazine about Electro, Industrial, EBM, Gothic, Darkwave and more
Interview with Akanoid

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Hi guys, thanks for taking time to answer some questions!
You have been already around since 1999. How have you found each other and was the original line-up, the same as today?

Hilton: Uwe and i founded the band at that time. We met on advice of a friend and immediately started working on the first song by adding track by track until it was finished.
Unfortunately uwe quit the band one and a half years ago after we decided to hire a further guitarist and a we will stay "four".

What are the tasks of you guys inside of the band?

Hilton: As the last founding member i am responsible for a lot of things, meaning production and management together with our partners in contract.
Phil does take care of technical matters and we all are songwriters.

How did you end up in the cooperation with the first label insolation / Zoomia?

: A DJ gave us a number of a record company which of course was Insolation and we decided to sign very quickly.

Well now you are at ECHOZONE. What have been the reasons for the label change?

Hilton: After Insolation was deleted out of the scene we worked on new material and some time later found or good old A&R at Echozone. They all liked what we were heading into with the new style and we got another contract.

You have also a band owned studio. How did it happen?

Hilton: As usual in the electronic scene we thought it definately would make sense to have an own studio to be free to produce the way we wanted it at every time and by the way saving money. And so the ELEKTROFISH Studio was fund on the back of AKANOID but nowerdays we produce different projects like bands of all styles, film music and much more crazy things.

How would you describe the music of Akanoid by yourselve?

Hilton: This is not that easy referring to the many influences in music style.
But I´d say it is kind of alternative / electro rock.

Your latest album is called "Civil Demon". What does the title stand for?

Hilton: The title is well chosen long time ago cause we were pretty much knowing what was to come next and what our themes would be like.
The demon stands for the hidden roughness and sometimes nice sounding surface of our tunes, but it also describes my character since i am the writer of the lyrics.

The album contains 14 tracks. What issues have you dealt with?

Hilton: All the lyrics are very personal for me, i nearly never get political or religious within my themes. But my lyrics leave space for personal interpretation.

There are only English lyrics. Have you ever written a German song?

Hilton: Yes, we had a song in german, funny to say it was called "burning", it was realeased on vinyl and a real dark dance track, nowerdays some goth listeners would probably like it.

Can "Civil Demon" be claimed to be a concept album?

Hilton: No. i think it is kind of a fusion, a way putting the band influences together with ideas, sequences and lyrics that follow me since years, this is a living development.

Are you more of a studio or a live band?

Hilton: Absolute both. If we are not just right about to party our heads off, we are very ambitioned and in strict discipline. We love to work on songs in the studio but we also love to add the live vibes and the dynamic to the live interpretations.

As we speak about live: So you were even touring with DE / VISION and the Crüxshadows. How did it happen?

Hilton: Our label set up the first tour, the second one with the crüxshadows was planned by our former booking agency WOD.

How can I imagine you LIVE on the stage?

Hilton: We try our best to sweeten the evening of the concert visitors and we live our music on stage in a rocking performance.

And what experiences did you have on the tour?

Hilton: We so much fun and great experiences with our mates but the very interesting stories should be kept a secret;-)

Are there even any new dates for band performances?

Hilton: Yes, we are still working on plans for our tour in autumn but we will announce all dates together when they are complete.

And how does the future look like for AKANOID?

Hilton: At the moment we are working on b-versions of some of the album tracks to prepare a release together with a further radio single in time for the tour.
Afterwards we prepare for the first sessions and rehearsals of the new material for the following album.

Thank you for your responses and good luck further on!
A few last words?

Hilton: Thank you very much indeed for your interest and we hope to see some of you out there!
Translator: Schizev
Add date: 2009-12-13 / Interviews

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